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發布時間: 2021-03-03 19:23:18

1. 批改網英語作文比賽得到全國第一含金量高嗎


2. 批改網上釘釘英語作文比賽點進去閃退怎麼回事


3. 根據下面 要求 批改網英語作文

Nothing succeeds without a strong will.沒有毅力則一事無成。
the humorous saying, 'Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I've done it hundreds of time.'tells us that without a strong will,nothing succeeds,people try to quit smothing for hundreds of times but end up with failure just because they lace of a strong will.A strong l is important to us if we want to achieve our goals.every success will meet many difficulty and setbacks.so we need to overcome them with our strong will.if we stick to our goals with a strong will and never give it up.at last we will be successful.we all believe that with a strong will,everyone can succeed .

4. 英語作文批改網707854

In Chinese tradition, people believe that the more children, the better, because having more children means owning the luck, so people had a big family at that time. But the big popularity brings a lot of pressure for our land, what』 more, we were poor, so in order to control the popularity, the government carried out the policy of One-child family plan. Now many years have passed, our economy develops so fast, people live the better life. The one-child family plan indeed brings people many advantages, the parents can raise their children in the better way, they can send their children to the school, thus to receive good ecation. At the same time, the parents can have less pressure and have more time to enjoy life. Though the plan has its bad sides, but in all, the good sides surpass the negative effect.

5. 批改網作文大賽一等獎有用嗎


6. 在批改網上寫英語作文


7. 2019批改網杯中小學生英語大賽獲獎證書如何申請

結構2:名詞或代詞(主格) + doing
1)My mother cooking in the kitchen, I was doing my homework in my room. (表伴隨)我媽媽正在廚房做飯,我在房間里做作業。

8. 英語作文批改網616238

i think good hibits are very important to us.
first of all, keeping healthy is necessary. breakfast can give our body the power we need ring the day, so we must eat it on time. to eat enough fruits and vegetables is better than eating the junk food. don't forget to wash hands before meals. and then, we should go to bed and get up early, as everyone knows, staying up is very bad for our healthy. finally, do more exercise.
good haibits can keep us a happy life.

9. 批改網百萬同題優秀作品獎含金量高嗎還是只為了29元的郵費欺騙學子到底要不要領證書








10. 批改網杯全國大學生英語寫作比賽屬於國家級比賽嗎


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