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发布时间: 2021-01-21 02:02:17

1. 厦门中考英语不合格有毕业证吗

那要看你什么学校的了 我是6中毕业的 如果不及格是要补考 过关后才能拿到毕业证书的 这是我们老师说的 但是可能每个学校不一样 所以仅供参考

2. 厦门市2010年中考英语口语考试训练光盘 答案

A)III. 简单口译表达(汉译英)
1. 下周日我要和爸爸去钓鱼。
I will go fishing with my father next Sunday.
2. 我每天都做运动,所以我身体很健康。
I do sports/play sports/exercise every day,so I’m very healthy//I’m in good health.
B)III. 简单口译表达(汉译英)
1. 我通常骑车去上学,但偶尔也走路去。
I usually go to school by bike,but sometimes I also walk.
2. 明天是我的生日,你能来参加我的生日派对吗?
Tomorrow is my birthday,can you come to my party?

C)III. 简单口译表达(汉译英)
1. 下午放学让我们一起去打篮球吧。
Let’s play basketball after school this afternoon.
2. 我姐姐很活泼大方,她有许多兴趣爱好。
My sister is outgoing,she has many/a lot of/lots of hobbies.
D)III. 简单口译表达(汉译英)
1. 我每周要上一次钢琴课。
I have a piano lesson once a week.
2. 我家离学校很远,所以我每天乘公共汽车上学。
My home is far away from our school,so I go to school by bus every day.
E)III. 简单口译表达(汉译英)
1. 我感冒了,喉咙很痛。
I have a cold,and I have a sore throat.
2. 麦克个头比我矮,但是他网球比我打得好。
Mike is shorter than me,but he plays tennis better than me.

F)III. 简单口译表达(汉译英)
1. 你喜欢吃汉堡还是比萨饼?
Which do you prefer//like better,hamburgers or pizza?
2. 昨天我去水族馆看海豚表演,太棒了。
Yesterday I went to see/watch a dolphin show in the aquarium,it was very great//wonderful.
G)III. 简单口译表达(汉译英)
1. 长大了我想当一个艺术家。
I want to be an artist when I grow up.
2. 我喜欢看动作片,成龙是我最喜欢的电影明星。
I like watching/seeing action movies,Jackie Chan is my favourite movie star.
H)III. 简单口译表达(汉译英)
1. 我有一个外国笔友,他住在加拿大。
I have a foreign pen pal,he lives in Canada.
2. 我叔叔不在家的时候,我帮他照看他家的小狗。
When/While my uncle wasn’t at home/in(was out/away),I helped him look after(take care of) his little dog


3. 厦门中考英语口语考试训练光盘答案~!!


4. 初中英语怎么考到145 我是厦门地区的一般是140分,但那五分真的很难谁能更具厦门地区的英语中考试题


5. 厦门中考英语口语怎么激活


6. 2012厦门中考英语作文 例文

范文:We have many rules in our school. Some are good for us, I think, but others are not. For example, we are required to wear school uniforms every day. It helps us have an easy life without too much attention to dress and appearance, so we can just focus on our school work. However, as for “It’s not allowed to bring mobile phones to school”, I don’t think it’s a good rule. Nowadays we are in IT generation, and mobile phones are really necessary in everyday lives even though for teenagers. In my opinion, the rule can be changed a little like this “It’s not allowed to use mobile phones in class.”
We do need some rules both in schools or families. They are very helpful for us to make fewer mistakes when we are too young to know how to do right. But it would be better for teachers or parents often sit down and listen to our opinions about rules, so that they can be always effective and accepted by us.
注 意:短文中不允许出现与考生本人相关的真实姓名和校名等信息。

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