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发布时间: 2021-01-16 23:26:13

❶ 英语作文 假如你是李平请给你的朋友christina写封祝贺信 祝贺他在雅思考试中


❷ 和三十年前,我们现在生活更幸福么英语作文雅思


❸ 雅思英语作文描写老人


❹ 帮忙写个雅思英语作文提纲

1.开头。space travel 的确给人类抄带来了很多好处。然而有些人觉得这种研究对我们的日常生活没啥影响。对于我而言,我倾向于同意这种观点。
2.的确是big step,因为有很多bonus——1.了解月球环境,探索未来居住可能 2.探索其他能源
3.However,space travel to the moon的许多发现还处于研究阶段——1.要有practical uses还需要很长的时间和很多的钱。2.现在的daily life其实有很多更现实的问题比如高犯罪率和低就业率,在这些方面,这种太空探索其实没什么用处。
4.的确space travel to the moon对整个人类文明史有很大作用,但是对daily life作用不大。政府需要做些太空探索以造福子孙后代,但也需要出台一些政策解决现有问题。

❺ 急求一篇大学(雅思)英语作文!280字左右的!

Technology emerged as soon as human race came into this world and began to fight for surviving. In the early stage, technology served as the implements for human beings to conquer the nature. In the process of struggling against all the menaces of the nature, our ancestors have generalized and accumulated all sorts of experience, and also created a series of technology in order to help the descendents to adapt the environment. This circumstance has been continued until the technology that accumulated by human race are powerful enough to overcome most of the threats of the nature. Then the twofold use of technology began to appear. On the one hand, the technology has made the dominators possible to strive for convenient and luxurious life. On the other hand, the governors also use it to quash the rebellions and exploit their people, even sometime, to fight with other nations. With the advent of the Instrial Revolution, technology began to contribute to the majority of human beings. The great improvement of modern technology has eventually increased the efficiency of people’ life, and also makes it possible for most indivials to possess a large amount of leisure time.
In today's rapid changing society, it is hard to allege that the increasing of people's efficiency and hence enable most of people have more leisure time are the primary goal of technological advancement. As is so often pointed out, modern technology make the relationship between people become more impersonal and aloof. The early initiative handicraft has been replaced by assembly line of machinery, and the works' jobs are always unutterably boring. The bargaining between people also gives its ways to the high efficient trade in the supermarket. So, spectacles above are the primary goal of the modern technology, it bound to raise many persons' unsatisfactory.

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