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发布时间: 2021-01-18 15:47:08

A. 这篇英语作文该如何审题,从哪些方面写(雅思 英语议论文250字)

这篇属于only题,就是说含有绝对化词汇“best”,很明显,解决环境问题不能只靠增加燃版料价权格。开头段之后,你只要在主体段的第一段写:增加价格确实能够起到解决环境问题的作用,比如可以减少燃料的使用之类。然后在主题第二段写出,这绝对不是best way(only and the best prescription),然后再列出你自己的理由,比如仅仅增加燃料价格也会增加公共交通工具的成本,这样其实是不利于解决环境问题的等等。这篇文章不难写,话题也不是很大,你只要抓住best这个逻辑漏洞,从正反两方面简单论述下就可以了。剑桥8的其中一个test就有考官范文是这篇文章,题目非常接近,剑桥的还多了一个问呢,你可以看看,就知道其实不难了。

B. 改雅思英文作文

The graph (Can you be more specific?)illustrates the number of people at a London railway station from 6am to 10pm. As we can see(删掉因为重复显得啰嗦), the number of people fluctuates over the 16 hours (given period). To be more specific, at 6am the number stands at only 100. (The period 删掉,重复,多余)between the 6am to 8am the number experiences the(用a) rapid rise to about 400. But there is a drop in the following (in the next) two hours, reaching the peak at around 180. The number in the following(in the next,其实最好用个别的,重复了) two hour increases fairly constantly from about 180 to around 280. The next two hours(同样问题) ,the number level off at under 300. From the(this) point forwards,the number experiences a sharp drop ,bottoming out at about 90 at 4 pm. After 4pm,the number rises again ,with the number reaching 370. After that ,there is (a) decrease to about 130 at 8pm. The period between the 8pm to 10pm the(....?) sees the slight increase, but finally the number of people decline(s) from 180 at 9pm to 130 at 10pm.

大部分问题不大,主要是很多话一直重复用 (the number,rises,drop,after that等等)。一直重复用语法上并没有错误,但是会给考官留下你词汇量不多的印象,而且重复的词多了考官容易失去兴趣。

另外注意你的The和A优点混淆不清。还有The following和the next。


C. 雅思大作文范文:大城市生活是否对健康有害

Some people think that living in big cities is bad for health. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Key: words: living in big cities, health
社会背景: Living in big cities, health
论点: be bad for health
个人观点:Living in big cities is bad for health
第一段: 社会背景 正向/反向观点 自己观点 (1 客观因素/外因 2 主观因素/内因)
社会背景:在大城市学习工作 大部分人 处于亚健康状况
自己观点: 我认为这种生活状态不利于人们的健康主要基于
1 城市的生活环境 2源于社会的各种压力
Nowadays, a majority of people who work and study in big cities tend to have a sub-health condition. Some people deem that living in metropolises can exert a negative impact on their physical fitness. After serious consideration, I approve that such lifestyle goes against people’s health, in view of urban surroundings and various social pressures.
第二段:论点 论据 例证 结论
论点: 大城市日益恶化的生存状况——造成——人们健康隐患。
论据: 严重的污染——导致——人们患有各种疾病。
例证: 在北京,汽车尾气排放产生的雾霾引发了人们的呼吸系统的疾病.此外,生活垃圾以及石化的污染物严重影响力,人们饮用水的质量,这也是人们产生重大疾病例如癌症的另一根源。
First and foremost, deteriorating circumstances in conurbations have increased health risks. In other words, escalating environmental pollution has caused prevalent diseases. For instance, smog generated from car emissions has incurred sickness in people’s respiratory system. Besides, household garbage and pollutants from fossil fuels have seriously affected the quality of drinking water, which can lead to serious diseases including cancer. Hence, living in conurbations poses harm to people’s fitness.
第三段: 论点 论据 例证 结论
论据: 现实生活的压力 ——使得人们—缺乏安全感,生活在危机中——导致人们身心疲惫
Secondly, fierce competition and survival pressures in conurbations exert burdens on people’s mental and psychological health. Conspicuously, real-life pressures can deprive them of a sense of security and stability, or even worse, break them down. For example, when living in metropolises, most people tend to work and study overtime, and consequently, to result in a nervous and anxious situation without enough rest and relaxation. Besides, such situation can weaken people’s immune system so that they will easily fall ill. From this point, living in big cities leads to a lower level of happiness and poorer health conditions.
让步段:另一种观点合理性 however 对此观点反驳
在大城市生活也有利于人们健康,例如 各种娱乐设施以及娱乐场所,有利于人们放松身心缓解压力。
1 由于忙于生计没有足够的时间
2 缺乏足够的金钱。
On the other hand, living in urban areas can contribute to people’s well-being with plenty of recreational facilities and entertainment venues: both are established to help people relax their mind and body and relieve pressures. However, most urban residents have failed to participate those leisure activities because they are financially strained and too occupied with their work.=
第五段:总结观点 提出建议
总结观点:日益恶化的生活环境 源于现实生活的各种压力——危害了人们的健康
In brief, sliding urban living environments and real life pressures have posed detriments to people’s well-being.

D. 一个英语作文雅思的求一篇范文


E. 谁提供点雅思写作的图表范文。最好中英文结合的。

您好 我是在北京世纪雅思学习的,通过我的学习中老师总结了一些学习方法,希望可以帮助到您:雅思的综合能力最终体现在写作上。它要求你的语法功底、词汇应用、逻辑思维在250个单词中展现,是雅思考试中花费时间最长、精力最多的一个方面。刚开始的时候,要先对英文写作有一个总体的了解,特别是基本的东西不要忽视,如大小写、标点符号、关联词、基本结构、开头结尾段的写法等。训练时,可以自己按题目要求先写,写完后对照范文,比较两篇文章的好坏。然后分析文章的用词、句子结构和逻辑顺序,将好的词汇、句子记下来,作为以后的参考。同时,也要训练写作速度。自己写的时候,尽量把写大文章得时间控制在35分钟内、小文章的时间控制在25分钟内。

雅思作文要想获得高分其逻辑结构很重要,下面以议论文为例进行一下解释。雅思议论文的准备首先是逻辑结构。也就是说你必须知道议论文分三部分,每部分有哪些思路(每条思路有哪些句型),这才是你要重点背诵的。议论文的中间段落是拿高分的重点。一般来讲有两种结构模式:立论和驳论。立论的结构是这样的:(分论点)……In other words(解释论证)……For example(举例论证)……Conversely(强对比论证)……这是三种最基本的论证方法。可以用一种,也可以用两种或三种。我们要求学生把论证方法标志性的词汇准备得背诵下来,以方便考官在阅读的时候抓住你的思路。另外一种是驳论:Some people think that (敌人的观点)……, because they think(敌人简单的论据)……However, they are oversimplifying the situation. In fact, (敌人的第一条错误)…….In addtion,(敌人的第二条错误).Last but not least, (敌人的第三条错误)…….反驳的时候说一句话,两句话还是三句话可以酌情处理。当然掌握了这两种结构以后,还会有更复杂的变化,不过它们是基础。接下来要细化的就是驳论和论证方法的思路和句型。对于语言结构我们要求掌握五种基本句型,十四种扩展方式;在这个基础上有一些议论文惯用的语言,可以让你多写一些单词。最后还要对雅思考试常考的八个话题要比较熟悉,找寻观点,理解了,背下来,考试就更有把握了。


平时的练习的时候建议同学要多思考雅思最常考的话题。如果有比较长的时间复习,大家可以一边按照题材总结收集素材,一边从写句子的基本功入手。每个话题的每道题目,先总结好中文的分论点和分论点的论证。注意,中文一定要简单,清晰,不要有太多修饰;然后自己每天把其中的几段写成英文,最好写NATIVE SPEAKER帮忙改一下。如此做100个段落以上的积累,英语写作水平就会有质的提高。






关于模板,我曾问过不止一位考官。他们的回答是,模板不是不能用,但是一定要恰当。他们最讨厌的模板是there are two sides of every coin...所以没有万能模板,你只有把议论文的每部分可能的情况和句型背清楚,然后才能选择使用。换言之,模板是有的,但是没有一个万能模板。写作是一个长期积累的过程。前不久一个山东的同学告诉我她压中了雅思的写作考题,事先也经过了精心地准备,结果得了3.5分。她的问题是她准备的范文有一半以上的单词在任何一篇文章都是一样的。大家一定要特别小心不要评价类的准备一篇范文,优缺点的准备一篇,原因建议的准备一篇(而且我本人并不同义这种分类方式)。关联词汇如果文章的长度足够,尽量简单清晰。所以归根结底还是要对论述的话题熟悉,你自然就不会写那么多废话了。在网络世纪雅思贴吧有很多的范文 你可以去了解一下!


F. 愿意活在过去还是活在现代雅思英语作文


G. 我急需一篇雅思口语的动物类英语范文:猫(是我家的宠物,主要写它的可爱处) 1000字左右


How to Communicate With Your Cat
Scientists have discovered that cats have developed an elaborate communication system with hundreds of vocalizations to tell humans what they want.[1] They know that we are in charge, so it makes sense for the cat to learn to communicate vocally, and to make sure that we understand what they are saying. Cats can also learn to understand what we want them to do by our repetition of words or actions in a consistent manner.[2] In this way, we are able to communicate with cats in a dialogue that takes time and effort to develop but is very rewarding for both.
[edit] StepsRemember that vocalizing is generally not your cat's preferred mode of communication. A cat's "first language" consists of a complex system of scent, facial expression, complex body language, and touch whereas we humans communicate primarily through sound. Cats soon realize that we don't understand the non-verbal signals they send to each other, so they vocalize in an attempt to communicate in our language. By observing which sounds elicit which actions from us, a cat is always learning how to make requests (or demands).[3]
Listen to your cat. If you watch what your cat is doing when it meows, you may learn to distinguish which meows are associated with which requests (or protests) and eventually know the difference between a "let me out" demand and a "give me food" demand by sound alone.[4] Each cat is different and may have its own variations, but some common meows can include:

Short meow - standard greeting.
Multiple meows - excited greeting.
Mid-pitch meow - plea for something.
Drawn-out mrrroooow - a demand for something.
Low pitch MRRRooooowww - a complaint
High-pitch RRRROWW! - anger or pain.
Chatter (rapid teeth-chattering jaw movements) - excitement, frustration (e.g. when prey is out of reach or escapes)
Chirrup (Also called "chirring", a cross between a meow and a purr with rising inflection) - friendly greeting sound, often used by a mother cat to call to her kittens.
Purr - invites close contact or attention
Watch your cat. Since cats are more "fluent" in body language, certain gestures will accompany vocalizations to reinforce their message.

tail straight up - happy
tail twitching - excited or anxious
slowly blinking eyes - affection, equivalent of "blowing a kiss"

sustained eye contact is interpreted as being assertive or even aggressive and makes cats uncomfortable; slow blinking communicates trust[5]
wet nose "kiss" - an affectionate gesture when the cat taps its wet nose to you
ears back - alarmed or in a very playful mood, also used when sniffing something they want to know more about
rubbing head, flank and tail against a person or animal - greeting ritual
head-butting - friendliness, affection
face sniffing - confirming identity
ears back and flattened - fearful, anxious or VERY playful (be careful here)
licks you - this could be the ULTIMATE sign of affection. If your cat licks you, your cat may consider you to be a part of his/her family, like a mother cleaning her kittens. If you push your cat away when he/she licks you, they may feel hurt and confused. Your kitty loves you! Or this could mean you have something tasty on your hand!
Talk back. As mentioned earlier, cats are always learning how to communicate with us; the more we communicate with them, the faster they'll learn.[6]

Use a slightly raised tone of voice to indicate friendliness and a lowered tone of voice to indicate displeasure or aggression.[7]
Repeat the same word, sleep or bed, each time you go to bed, and eventually your cat will begin to associate the repetitive word sound with your actions, and may even get to the bedroom before you.
Use the word shower consistently each time you are ready to take one, and eventually your cat may beat you to the bathroom and might even curl up in the sink to wait for you (See picture at right).
If you blink slowly when making eye contact with your cat, they will usually respond by coming over to be petted, as it is a very non-threatening gesture.
Be consistent. For example, a cat often "asks" before invading another's space and a common blunder many pet owners make is to say "no" but pet the cat at the same time. This is very confusing to the cat. Instead, a very quick "no" combined with gently but firmly pushing the cat away from you, without showing affection, will let the cat know that their presence is not desired at this time. Most cats will try 2-3 times to invade a person's space, often from different directions. Be patient when saying "no" to them.

You can also develop a "command tone" to use with your cat when they are doing something seriously wrong. Use a voice that comes naturally to you, that you can replicate easily, but that is also distinct from your everyday talking voice. If you use this voice sparingly, but seriously, then your cat will learn to associate the voice with the idea that they are being naughty.
Another easy "no" command that cats all understand is a quick, sharp, hiss or "spit" sound as is made by their own kind when they themselves say "no".

[edit] TipsTreat your cat with love and respect and they will become a very happy and loving companion and friend. Talk to them softly and watch how they listen. They might respond with a meow or other sound.
With patience cats can be trained to respond to commands, much the same as dogs. You can even teach your cat to shake your hand.
Siamese & Maine Coon cats have been observed to be especially "talkative", while long-haired cats tend to be on the quieter side.[8] But of course, there are always exceptions!

[edit] WarningsThis is not, by any means, a complete list of cat gestures and vocalizations. The feline communication system is surprisingly complex and extends beyond the scope of this article. Consult the sources below for more details, and always pay attention to your cat - every one is different.
Urinating, spraying and maddening (depositing feces in a prominent spot) are often a cat's attempt to mark territory that it feels is being threatened.[9] It may also be an indication of urinary tract or bladder infection, or other serious health issue. If this is a problem, the cat may need to be treated, neutered or spayed, or separated from other cats. Consult your vet.
Urinating or defecating outside or near the litter box usually means the litter box needs cleaning. Clean the litter box on a regular basis.
Never yell at or physically discipline a cat. This only frightens and angers them, and is counterproctive.

H. 英语作文,要求使用高级句式,高端词汇(雅思水平)不要高考范文那种低水平的,限时明天中午,感谢



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