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A. 女孩們昨晚享受了她們派對英語


B. 高中英語閱讀理解100篇 one day when i was a boy a party of


C. 誰知道以「There are two major parties in Britain today」為開頭的英語閱讀理解這篇文章的答案

There are two major parties in Britain today,the Conservative Party and the Labour Party,which have been in power by turns since 1945.The two—party system of Britain was formed in the course of the development of the capitalist state and the political parties.In order to strengthen the state machine,the British bourgeosie have let it come into being and exist in one form or another form since the 17th century.P.S.Tregidgo once said:「The more parties there are,the less likely it is that any one of them will be strong enough in Parliament to outvote all the others;but when there are only two,one of them is sure to have a majority o f seats.This helps to ensure a strong and stable government.」This may be the reason why the British have the twoparty system.
The division into two parties grew out the establishment of a Protestant Church of England in the 16th century.Because of a purely religious difference of opinion,the Puritans were separated from the broad body of the Anglican Church.The non Puritan Anglicans were on the side of the King and Church,and their supporters were called by their opponents 「Tories.」The Puritans were for Parliament and trade,and their supporters were called by the 「Tories」「Whigs」.The Tories and the Whigs were in power a long time.In 1833,the Tory party split into two and its name was changed to Conservative.In the 1860s the Whigs became Liberals.From that time on,the Liberals and the Conservatives were in office by turns until 1922.The policies they put into effect were sometimes different,but they were both controlled by the rich.
The working class became more and more unwilling to follow the Conservatives and the Liberals.They wanted to have their own party.So the Labour party was formed by the trade unions.After 1922 the Labour Party graally replaced the Liberal Party to become one of the two major parties in Great Britain.
1.What does 「it」 stand for in the third line?
A)The twoparty system. B)The state machine.
C)The Partiament. D)The capitalist state.
2.We can learn from what P.S Tregidgo once said that ____.
A)if there are parties in Britain,none of them will be strong enough to have con trol in the government
B)the more patients there are,the more likely it is that they will have the deci sive say in the government
C)the two partysystem contributes to the establishment of a powerful and long lasting government
D)if there are only two parties in Britain,it will be easy for the government to control them
3.What can we infer from the forming of the Tory Party and the Whig Party?
A)These two parties originally believed in different religions.
B)These two parties were established under the influence of different religious believes.
C)The British King and the Parliament supported different religions becaused they were for the twoparty system.
D)The British King and the Parliament were supported by different parties for political reasons.
4.According to the passage,why was the Labour Party established in Britain?
A)Because the trade unions did not do much good for the working people.
B)Because the Liberal Party were not strong enough to defeat the Conservative Party.
C)Because the working people would not like to be members outside the Liberal Party.
D)Because neither of the two major parties was the parties for the working people.
5.Which of the following is true concerning the Tory Party or the Whig Party?
A)The Whig Party no longer exists in Britain.
B)The Tory Party has kept its unity until the present day.
C)The Whig Party has taken the place of the Liberal Party.
D)The Tory Party has taken the place of the Conservative Party.


  1. A本題要求讀者指出第3行的「it」指代什麼。A為兩黨制,B為國家機器,C為議會,D為資本主義政府,從原文可知,資產階級是為了強化國家機器,而讓兩黨制形成並存在的。故答案為A。

  2. .C本題要求讀者指出從P.S.特萊吉歐說的話中可得知什麼。A意思是:如果英國有政黨的話,哪個黨也不能控制政府。B意思是:政黨越多,他們就越有可能在政府中有決定性的發言權。C意思是:兩黨制有利於建立一個有力的持久的政府。D意思是:如果英國只有兩個政黨,政府會很容易控制他們。從原文可知,A,B,D都不符合原文,故正確答案為C。

  3. B本題要求讀者指出從托利黨和輝格黨的形成可得出什麼推論。A意思是:這兩個黨原來屬於不同的宗教信仰。B意思是:這兩個黨是受不同的宗教信仰影響而建立起來的。C意思是:英國的國王和議會支持不同的宗教因為他們擁護兩黨制。D意思是:英國的國王和議會由於政治上的原因受不同的黨派的支持。從原文可知,由於繼宗教上的原因,英國國教分化為清教徒和非清教徒,這兩支後來發展為輝格黨和托利黨。所以正確答案為B。

  4. D本題要求讀者指出英國工黨是為什麼建立的。A意思是:因為工會沒有為工人階級謀多少利益。B意思是:因為自由黨對抗不過保守黨。C意思是:因為工人階級不想成為自由黨外的成員。D意思是:因為當時的兩大政黨都不代表工人階級利益。從原文可知,工黨的建立起因是工人階級不願受自由黨和保守黨的控制,且這兩大黨都是富人的黨。所以正確答案為D。

  5. A本題要求讀者指出關於托利黨和輝格黨的正確敘述。A意思是:在英國輝格黨已經不存在了。B意思是:直到今天托利黨還保持著完整統一。C意思是:輝格黨取代了自由黨。D意思是:托利黨取代了保守黨。從原文可知,輝格黨發展成後來的自由黨,自由黨又為工黨取代。所以正確答案為A。

D. 求幫忙翻譯英語閱讀短文

正文: 快來各位,我們動物園派對已經開始了,讓我們歡迎大象先版生,他有一隻長鼻子。接下來是權長頸鹿小姐,他有長長的脖子。我們可愛的小兔子有一對長長的耳朵,他非常喜歡吃胡蘿卜。噢!他的胡蘿卜去哪了?在書桌上?不,在椅子下面?不,它們在這里。胡蘿卜在餐桌下面。


E. 小學英語閱讀100篇,第91篇A Party,求翻譯

就是 沒有內容 翻譯什麼

F. 關於畢業派對的英語作文看圖

This June 30th I am going to graate, so I want to hold a party on Saturday evening in my house. It would be pleasant to have you here. So interesting will this party be that you can't afford to miss it. For one thing, we will have a big meal,sing the popular songs and play games. For another, it also provides a good opportunity for you to meet many friends that you haven't seen for a long time. What an important thing it is for me to get your participation.

G. 閱讀下面短文,選擇正確答案school party ideas

2009小學升初中試題數學一、填空:(20分)1、一個數由五個億,三十九個萬,七十四個百組成,這個數寫作:( ),省略萬後面的尾數約是( )萬,寫成以億做單位的數是( )。2、 既能被2整除,又是3的倍數的最小三位數是( ),分解質因數為( )。3、把5米長的繩子平均剪成6段,每段佔全長的( ),每段長( )米。4、1.08噸=( )噸( )千克 3日8小時=( )日8立方米16立方分米=( )立方米5、已知A=2×2×3,B=2×3×5,則A和B的最大公約數是( ),最小公倍數是( )。6、一個圓柱體和一個圓錐體等底等高,如果圓錐體的體積是18立方厘米,那麼圓柱體的體積是( )立方厘米。7、一幅地圖的比例尺是1:3000000,量得甲、乙兩地的距離是4.5厘米,實際距離是( )千米8、行同一段路程,甲要3小時,乙要4小時,甲與乙的速度比是( )。9、在一定時間里,做一個零件所用的時間和做這種零件的個數成( )比例。10、0.75 =( )÷20 = 20:( ) =( )%二、判斷題:(對的在括弧里打√,錯的打×)(10分) 1、某車間有工人98人,某天全部出工,出勤率是98%( )2、兩個合數一定不是互質數。 ( )3、 一個數除以真分數的商一定大於這個數。 ( )4、如果3X=5Y,那麼X:Y=5:3。 ( )5、兩個面積相等的三角形一定可以拼成一個平形四邊形。( )三、選擇題:(把正確答案的序號填在括弧里)(10分)1、500克鹽水中含鹽50克,鹽水中鹽和水的比為( )⑴1:9 ⑵1:10 ⑶1:112、3:2與( )能組成比例。⑴2:3 ⑵1.5 :1 ⑶1:1.53、下面的( )不能化成有限小數。⑴ ⑵ ⑶ ⑷4、用鐵皮做一個圓柱形的通風管,要多少鐵皮是求通風管的( )⑴體積 ⑵容積 ⑶側面積 ⑷表面積5、已知3x+3=12則2x+1=( )⑴ 7 ⑵ 14 ⑶ 9 ⑷ 8四、計算題:(24分)1、直接寫出得數:(4分)30-19.02 = ÷2÷ =1-0.49+0.06= ( + )×4=2、簡便運算:(6分)25×12.5×3.2 2.75×29-1.75×294、求未知數x:(6分)X- 0.8X -6= 16 :X = :25、文字題:(8分)⑴一個數加上它的50%等於7.5,求這個數。⑵4.8減去0.7除0.14的商,所得的差再除以1.5,得多少?五、應用題:(36分)1、光明鞋廠六月份生產鞋26800雙,比原計劃增產2500雙,增產了百分之幾?2、一堆煤堆成圓錐形,底面周長是12.56米,高是1.2米,如果每立方米的煤約重1.4噸,這堆煤約重多少噸?(得數保留整噸數)3、一輛汽車從甲地開往乙地,每小時行28千米,4.5小時到達,如果要4小時到達,每小時要行多少千米?(用比例知識解)4、運800噸糧食,甲車運需要10天運完,乙車運要15天運完,兩車合運多少天運完?5、紅星機械廠要加工900個零件,原計劃30小時完成。改進技術後,每小時比原計劃多加工10個,這樣幾小時可以完成任務?6、暑假裡全班學生共做小製作49件,女生做的占男生做的 。男女生各做小 製作多少件?(用方程解)2009小學升初中試題英語友情提示: 1、本套試題滿分為70分(不含聽力部分),建議答題時間為60分鍾;一、選出畫線部分讀音與其餘三個不同的單詞。(5分) ( ) 1. A. name B. grade C. have D. plane ( ) 2. A. see B. meet C. green D. eraser ( ) 3. A. bike B. fine C. behind D. different ( ) 4. A. these B. there C. three D. that ( ) 5. A. baby B. many C. goodbye D. strawberry 二、按要求寫單詞。(10分) 1. light (反義詞)_________ 2. buy (過去式)_________ 3. one (序數詞)_________ 4. the second day in a week (同義詞)_________ 5. knife (復數)_________ 6. Japan (形容詞)_________ 7. let』s (完全形式)________ 8. four(同音詞)___________ 9. us (主格)__________ 10. cannot (縮略形式)_________ 三、選擇填空。(10分) ( ) 1. It』s hot _____ summer in Beijing. A. by B. on C. at D. in ( ) 2. I met Kate on _____ way home yesterday. A. my B. me C. his D. him ( ) 3. Bruce, look at your dirty shoes. You』d better _____ them right now. A. washed B. washing C. wash D. to wash ( ) 4. – Can you sing the song in English -- No, I ____. A. may not B. mustn』t C. needn』t D. can』t ( ) 5. The doctor often tells him ____ more exercise. A. to take B. taking C. taken D. take ( ) 6. – What did you do last night -- I did my homework and _____ TV. A. watch B. watched C. will watch D. am watching ( ) 7. The Whites _____ many places of interest since they came to China. A. have visited B. will visit C. visited D. visit ( ) 8. I』m hungry. Please bring me some ______. A. kites B. desks C. boxes C. cakes ( ) 9. Most of the children enjoy ______ computer games. A. play B. playing C. played C. to play ( ) 10. This is Miss Gao. She _____ your new teacher. A. be B. am C. is D. are 四、英漢互譯。(10分) 1.在辦公室_________ 2. 我們的鞋子______________ 3.進來____________ 4. 照看________________ 5. 起床___________ 6. on ty ____________ 7. a quarter to one ___________ 8. look the same ______________ 9. a map of China _____________ 10. No.3 Middle School __________ 五、按要求寫句子。(10分) 1. There are some art rooms in this building. (改為單數) There _____ _____ art room in this building. 2. Give that sharpener to me.(改為同義句) _______________________________________________________ 3. Ten minus six is four.(對畫線部分提問) _______________________________________________________ 4. She likes this coat.(改為否定句) _______________________________________________________ 5. We can see some kites in the sky. (改為一般疑問句) _______________________________________________________ 六、閱讀短文,根據短文內容選擇正確答案。(10分) Mrs Green is going to give a birthday party for Mary (Mary is her daughter). Mary is going to be thirteen years old. Twenty friends of Mary』s are going to come to the party. They are all girls. Mrs Green is getting ready for party. Mrs White is helping her. 「Let』s make a pretty cake,」 Mrs White says to Mrs Green. 「Ok. Thank you very much.」 Mrs Green is going shopping now. She』s going to buy fruit for the party. Mrs Green buys some fruit. She buys a lot of pears, orange, and bananas. Then she goes home. It』s three o』clock in the afternoon. Everything is ready .Now the first girl is arriving. The party is going to start in thirty minutes. ( ) 1. ______ is going to give a birthday party for Mary. A. Mrs White B. Mrs Green C. Mary D. Mary』s friend ( ) 2. Mary is going to be ______ years old. A. twenty B. ten C. twelve D. thirteen ( ) 3. _____ are going to come to the party. A. Thirty boys B. Twenty girls C. Forty children D. Mrs Green and Mrs White ( ) 4. Mrs Green buys ____ for the party. A. a cake B. some fruit C. some bananas and apples D. a lot of oranges ( ) 5. The party is going to begin at ____ in the afternoon. A. two thirty B. three C. four D. three thirty 七、小作文。(15分)以Myself(我)為題按下面的要求寫一篇英語小作文。要求:1.語句通順,條理清楚,書寫清晰、規范。 2.不得少於50個單詞。 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2009小學升初中試題語文fa yong kan cheng fa lian軍( )居( )關( )測 ( )( )潔wu ru yu quan( ) ( )樂 入場( )二、填空:(22分)1、出下列各字的大寫字母,並按照大寫字母的順序給下列漢字重新排序:(4.5)削( )盲( )怨( )督( )祭( )( )2、填表:(4.5分)要查的字部首再查幾畫字典里的解釋取哪種酸甜可口1、表示同意;2、表示許可或可能;3、值得;4、表示轉折;5、適合。興旺1、興盛;2、使盛行;3、准許;4、或許。喜出望外1、向遠處看;2、探望;3、盼望;希望;4、怨;5、對著。3、選擇詞語填空:(6分)願望 盼望 陸續 繼續 輕蔑 藐視①將來成為有所作為的人,是我最大的( )。②其他人已經( )散去了,只剩下我自己茫然地站在那兒。③中國人是有志氣的,我們有能力讓( )我們的人認識我們的能力。4、填充成語:(4分)守株( )兔 掩耳( )鈴 安然無( ) 盛氣( )人5、將下面一段話中的錯別字勾畫出來,並按照順序改在括弧內(3分)秦王雙手揍著何氏壁,邊看邊稱贊,卻絕口不提十五坐城的事。( )三、讀古詩填寫完整並回答後面的問題。(6分)示 兒 去 原 知 萬 事 空,但 悲 不 見 九 州 同。, 。1、解釋一下所填的句子(2分)。2、陸游這樣寫說明他心中想的是什麼?(2分)四、用修改符號改病句(6分)1、六一兒童節賞心悅目。2、我們班繼續第三年被評為先進班集體。3、詩歌《上學的小孩》的作者是我們班集體創作的。五、閱讀(一)(15分)《買火柴的小女孩》片斷這一回,她坐在美麗的聖誕樹下。這棵聖誕樹,比她去年聖誕節透過富商家的玻璃門看到的還要大,還要美。翠綠的樹枝上點著幾千支明晃晃的蠟燭,許多幅美麗的彩色畫片,跟掛在商店櫥窗里的一個樣,在向她眨眼睛。小女孩向畫片伸出手去。這時候,火柴又滅了。只見聖誕樹上的燭光越升越高,最後成了天空中閃爍的星星。有一顆星星落下來,在天空劃出了一道細長的紅光。有一個什麼人快要了 小女孩說 唯一疼愛她的奶奶活著的時候告訴過她 一顆星星落下來 就有一個靈魂要到上帝那兒去1從「這一回」到「天空閃爍的星星」共講了兩層意思,兩層意思分別是什麼?(4分) 2用‖在文中將這兩層意思劃開。(2分)3想一想,第一段中的最後一句話在兩段話中起什麼作用?(3分)4文中劃線的句子把什麼當成什麼來寫了?(3分)5、給第二段話加上標點。(3分)閱讀(二)(14分)成語「滄海桑田」,出自晉代葛洪寫的《神仙傳》。由於地殼的不斷變化,「滄海變桑田」的事是有的。如海拔8848.13米高的珠穆朗瑪峰,有很厚的水成岩。在6億年前,它還在古海中。後因河水帶去的泥沙沉到海底,又夾著海里的生物屍體,經過高壓和高溫的雙重作用,出現了一層層沉積岩,好像一部厚厚的歷史書,化石就是書中的文字。地質學家讀了這種「文字」,就能告訴我們「滄海桑田」的歷史。3千萬年前的造山運動,使它雄立於世界。科學家在她5億年前的化石里,已經找到生活在海里的鸚鵡螺和海百合,這是「滄海桑田」的見證。遇到自然災害時,桑田也能變滄海。如1605年,明代萬利年間的瓊州發生大地震,有100多平方公里的陸地成為滄海。今天,已經發現「海底村莊」就有72個。若坐船出海去看,透過清澈的海水,可以看到在一處10米深的水下,就分布著斷牆、石磨,還有一座方形的戲台。1、這篇文章主要向我們介紹了什麼現象?( 3分 )2、這種現象形成的主要原因是什麼?( 3分 )3、說一下,文中舉了哪兩個例子來說明這種現象的?(4分)4、第二段文字運用了前後照應的寫法,請用——劃出前後照應的兩句話( 4分)。六、習作(一):(10分)今年這半年,氣候異常。春天天旱,而且多見沙塵天氣。請你以「今年春天太旱了」或「沙塵暴天氣太壞了!」為開頭,寫一段話。提示:寫天旱時,可以選擇有關天旱的景象或人們抗旱情景來寫,也可以選擇其它與天旱有關的內容來寫;寫沙塵天氣時,所寫的內容可選擇天氣的景象或沙塵天氣下人們的活動等。 習作(二)(21分)小學六年的生活結束了。在這些年當中,誰給你留下了深刻的印象、曾經讓你感動?請你給遠方的六年級小學生張紅寫一封信,向他(她)介紹一下。字數不少於400字。

H. 英語作文 a welcome party
























I. 英語閱讀理解The surprise party is very popular in America.

1.The surprise party is very popular in America
2.In front of him.

J. 金先生穿著他的舊衣服開派對的英語閱讀

1.old 2.look 3.on 4.party 5.up 6.food 7.doing 8.coat 9.good 10.me

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