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发布时间: 2021-03-16 21:51:10

A. 女孩们昨晚享受了她们派对英语


B. 高中英语阅读理解100篇 one day when i was a boy a party of


C. 谁知道以“There are two major parties in Britain today”为开头的英语阅读理解这篇文章的答案

There are two major parties in Britain today,the Conservative Party and the Labour Party,which have been in power by turns since 1945.The two—party system of Britain was formed in the course of the development of the capitalist state and the political parties.In order to strengthen the state machine,the British bourgeosie have let it come into being and exist in one form or another form since the 17th century.P.S.Tregidgo once said:“The more parties there are,the less likely it is that any one of them will be strong enough in Parliament to outvote all the others;but when there are only two,one of them is sure to have a majority o f seats.This helps to ensure a strong and stable government.”This may be the reason why the British have the twoparty system.
The division into two parties grew out the establishment of a Protestant Church of England in the 16th century.Because of a purely religious difference of opinion,the Puritans were separated from the broad body of the Anglican Church.The non Puritan Anglicans were on the side of the King and Church,and their supporters were called by their opponents “Tories.”The Puritans were for Parliament and trade,and their supporters were called by the “Tories”“Whigs”.The Tories and the Whigs were in power a long time.In 1833,the Tory party split into two and its name was changed to Conservative.In the 1860s the Whigs became Liberals.From that time on,the Liberals and the Conservatives were in office by turns until 1922.The policies they put into effect were sometimes different,but they were both controlled by the rich.
The working class became more and more unwilling to follow the Conservatives and the Liberals.They wanted to have their own party.So the Labour party was formed by the trade unions.After 1922 the Labour Party graally replaced the Liberal Party to become one of the two major parties in Great Britain.
1.What does “it” stand for in the third line?
A)The twoparty system. B)The state machine.
C)The Partiament. D)The capitalist state.
2.We can learn from what P.S Tregidgo once said that ____.
A)if there are parties in Britain,none of them will be strong enough to have con trol in the government
B)the more patients there are,the more likely it is that they will have the deci sive say in the government
C)the two partysystem contributes to the establishment of a powerful and long lasting government
D)if there are only two parties in Britain,it will be easy for the government to control them
3.What can we infer from the forming of the Tory Party and the Whig Party?
A)These two parties originally believed in different religions.
B)These two parties were established under the influence of different religious believes.
C)The British King and the Parliament supported different religions becaused they were for the twoparty system.
D)The British King and the Parliament were supported by different parties for political reasons.
4.According to the passage,why was the Labour Party established in Britain?
A)Because the trade unions did not do much good for the working people.
B)Because the Liberal Party were not strong enough to defeat the Conservative Party.
C)Because the working people would not like to be members outside the Liberal Party.
D)Because neither of the two major parties was the parties for the working people.
5.Which of the following is true concerning the Tory Party or the Whig Party?
A)The Whig Party no longer exists in Britain.
B)The Tory Party has kept its unity until the present day.
C)The Whig Party has taken the place of the Liberal Party.
D)The Tory Party has taken the place of the Conservative Party.


  1. A本题要求读者指出第3行的“it”指代什么。A为两党制,B为国家机器,C为议会,D为资本主义政府,从原文可知,资产阶级是为了强化国家机器,而让两党制形成并存在的。故答案为A。

  2. .C本题要求读者指出从P.S.特莱吉欧说的话中可得知什么。A意思是:如果英国有政党的话,哪个党也不能控制政府。B意思是:政党越多,他们就越有可能在政府中有决定性的发言权。C意思是:两党制有利于建立一个有力的持久的政府。D意思是:如果英国只有两个政党,政府会很容易控制他们。从原文可知,A,B,D都不符合原文,故正确答案为C。

  3. B本题要求读者指出从托利党和辉格党的形成可得出什么推论。A意思是:这两个党原来属于不同的宗教信仰。B意思是:这两个党是受不同的宗教信仰影响而建立起来的。C意思是:英国的国王和议会支持不同的宗教因为他们拥护两党制。D意思是:英国的国王和议会由于政治上的原因受不同的党派的支持。从原文可知,由于继宗教上的原因,英国国教分化为清教徒和非清教徒,这两支后来发展为辉格党和托利党。所以正确答案为B。

  4. D本题要求读者指出英国工党是为什么建立的。A意思是:因为工会没有为工人阶级谋多少利益。B意思是:因为自由党对抗不过保守党。C意思是:因为工人阶级不想成为自由党外的成员。D意思是:因为当时的两大政党都不代表工人阶级利益。从原文可知,工党的建立起因是工人阶级不愿受自由党和保守党的控制,且这两大党都是富人的党。所以正确答案为D。

  5. A本题要求读者指出关于托利党和辉格党的正确叙述。A意思是:在英国辉格党已经不存在了。B意思是:直到今天托利党还保持着完整统一。C意思是:辉格党取代了自由党。D意思是:托利党取代了保守党。从原文可知,辉格党发展成后来的自由党,自由党又为工党取代。所以正确答案为A。

D. 求帮忙翻译英语阅读短文

正文: 快来各位,我们动物园派对已经开始了,让我们欢迎大象先版生,他有一只长鼻子。接下来是权长颈鹿小姐,他有长长的脖子。我们可爱的小兔子有一对长长的耳朵,他非常喜欢吃胡萝卜。噢!他的胡萝卜去哪了?在书桌上?不,在椅子下面?不,它们在这里。胡萝卜在餐桌下面。


E. 小学英语阅读100篇,第91篇A Party,求翻译

就是 没有内容 翻译什么

F. 关于毕业派对的英语作文看图

This June 30th I am going to graate, so I want to hold a party on Saturday evening in my house. It would be pleasant to have you here. So interesting will this party be that you can't afford to miss it. For one thing, we will have a big meal,sing the popular songs and play games. For another, it also provides a good opportunity for you to meet many friends that you haven't seen for a long time. What an important thing it is for me to get your participation.

G. 阅读下面短文,选择正确答案school party ideas

2009小学升初中试题数学一、填空:(20分)1、一个数由五个亿,三十九个万,七十四个百组成,这个数写作:( ),省略万后面的尾数约是( )万,写成以亿做单位的数是( )。2、 既能被2整除,又是3的倍数的最小三位数是( ),分解质因数为( )。3、把5米长的绳子平均剪成6段,每段占全长的( ),每段长( )米。4、1.08吨=( )吨( )千克 3日8小时=( )日8立方米16立方分米=( )立方米5、已知A=2×2×3,B=2×3×5,则A和B的最大公约数是( ),最小公倍数是( )。6、一个圆柱体和一个圆锥体等底等高,如果圆锥体的体积是18立方厘米,那么圆柱体的体积是( )立方厘米。7、一幅地图的比例尺是1:3000000,量得甲、乙两地的距离是4.5厘米,实际距离是( )千米8、行同一段路程,甲要3小时,乙要4小时,甲与乙的速度比是( )。9、在一定时间里,做一个零件所用的时间和做这种零件的个数成( )比例。10、0.75 =( )÷20 = 20:( ) =( )%二、判断题:(对的在括号里打√,错的打×)(10分) 1、某车间有工人98人,某天全部出工,出勤率是98%( )2、两个合数一定不是互质数。 ( )3、 一个数除以真分数的商一定大于这个数。 ( )4、如果3X=5Y,那么X:Y=5:3。 ( )5、两个面积相等的三角形一定可以拼成一个平形四边形。( )三、选择题:(把正确答案的序号填在括号里)(10分)1、500克盐水中含盐50克,盐水中盐和水的比为( )⑴1:9 ⑵1:10 ⑶1:112、3:2与( )能组成比例。⑴2:3 ⑵1.5 :1 ⑶1:1.53、下面的( )不能化成有限小数。⑴ ⑵ ⑶ ⑷4、用铁皮做一个圆柱形的通风管,要多少铁皮是求通风管的( )⑴体积 ⑵容积 ⑶侧面积 ⑷表面积5、已知3x+3=12则2x+1=( )⑴ 7 ⑵ 14 ⑶ 9 ⑷ 8四、计算题:(24分)1、直接写出得数:(4分)30-19.02 = ÷2÷ =1-0.49+0.06= ( + )×4=2、简便运算:(6分)25×12.5×3.2 2.75×29-1.75×294、求未知数x:(6分)X- 0.8X -6= 16 :X = :25、文字题:(8分)⑴一个数加上它的50%等于7.5,求这个数。⑵4.8减去0.7除0.14的商,所得的差再除以1.5,得多少?五、应用题:(36分)1、光明鞋厂六月份生产鞋26800双,比原计划增产2500双,增产了百分之几?2、一堆煤堆成圆锥形,底面周长是12.56米,高是1.2米,如果每立方米的煤约重1.4吨,这堆煤约重多少吨?(得数保留整吨数)3、一辆汽车从甲地开往乙地,每小时行28千米,4.5小时到达,如果要4小时到达,每小时要行多少千米?(用比例知识解)4、运800吨粮食,甲车运需要10天运完,乙车运要15天运完,两车合运多少天运完?5、红星机械厂要加工900个零件,原计划30小时完成。改进技术后,每小时比原计划多加工10个,这样几小时可以完成任务?6、暑假里全班学生共做小制作49件,女生做的占男生做的 。男女生各做小 制作多少件?(用方程解)2009小学升初中试题英语友情提示: 1、本套试题满分为70分(不含听力部分),建议答题时间为60分钟;一、选出画线部分读音与其余三个不同的单词。(5分) ( ) 1. A. name B. grade C. have D. plane ( ) 2. A. see B. meet C. green D. eraser ( ) 3. A. bike B. fine C. behind D. different ( ) 4. A. these B. there C. three D. that ( ) 5. A. baby B. many C. goodbye D. strawberry 二、按要求写单词。(10分) 1. light (反义词)_________ 2. buy (过去式)_________ 3. one (序数词)_________ 4. the second day in a week (同义词)_________ 5. knife (复数)_________ 6. Japan (形容词)_________ 7. let’s (完全形式)________ 8. four(同音词)___________ 9. us (主格)__________ 10. cannot (缩略形式)_________ 三、选择填空。(10分) ( ) 1. It’s hot _____ summer in Beijing. A. by B. on C. at D. in ( ) 2. I met Kate on _____ way home yesterday. A. my B. me C. his D. him ( ) 3. Bruce, look at your dirty shoes. You’d better _____ them right now. A. washed B. washing C. wash D. to wash ( ) 4. – Can you sing the song in English -- No, I ____. A. may not B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. can’t ( ) 5. The doctor often tells him ____ more exercise. A. to take B. taking C. taken D. take ( ) 6. – What did you do last night -- I did my homework and _____ TV. A. watch B. watched C. will watch D. am watching ( ) 7. The Whites _____ many places of interest since they came to China. A. have visited B. will visit C. visited D. visit ( ) 8. I’m hungry. Please bring me some ______. A. kites B. desks C. boxes C. cakes ( ) 9. Most of the children enjoy ______ computer games. A. play B. playing C. played C. to play ( ) 10. This is Miss Gao. She _____ your new teacher. A. be B. am C. is D. are 四、英汉互译。(10分) 1.在办公室_________ 2. 我们的鞋子______________ 3.进来____________ 4. 照看________________ 5. 起床___________ 6. on ty ____________ 7. a quarter to one ___________ 8. look the same ______________ 9. a map of China _____________ 10. No.3 Middle School __________ 五、按要求写句子。(10分) 1. There are some art rooms in this building. (改为单数) There _____ _____ art room in this building. 2. Give that sharpener to me.(改为同义句) _______________________________________________________ 3. Ten minus six is four.(对画线部分提问) _______________________________________________________ 4. She likes this coat.(改为否定句) _______________________________________________________ 5. We can see some kites in the sky. (改为一般疑问句) _______________________________________________________ 六、阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(10分) Mrs Green is going to give a birthday party for Mary (Mary is her daughter). Mary is going to be thirteen years old. Twenty friends of Mary’s are going to come to the party. They are all girls. Mrs Green is getting ready for party. Mrs White is helping her. “Let’s make a pretty cake,” Mrs White says to Mrs Green. “Ok. Thank you very much.” Mrs Green is going shopping now. She’s going to buy fruit for the party. Mrs Green buys some fruit. She buys a lot of pears, orange, and bananas. Then she goes home. It’s three o’clock in the afternoon. Everything is ready .Now the first girl is arriving. The party is going to start in thirty minutes. ( ) 1. ______ is going to give a birthday party for Mary. A. Mrs White B. Mrs Green C. Mary D. Mary’s friend ( ) 2. Mary is going to be ______ years old. A. twenty B. ten C. twelve D. thirteen ( ) 3. _____ are going to come to the party. A. Thirty boys B. Twenty girls C. Forty children D. Mrs Green and Mrs White ( ) 4. Mrs Green buys ____ for the party. A. a cake B. some fruit C. some bananas and apples D. a lot of oranges ( ) 5. The party is going to begin at ____ in the afternoon. A. two thirty B. three C. four D. three thirty 七、小作文。(15分)以Myself(我)为题按下面的要求写一篇英语小作文。要求:1.语句通顺,条理清楚,书写清晰、规范。 2.不得少于50个单词。 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2009小学升初中试题语文fa yong kan cheng fa lian军( )居( )关( )测 ( )( )洁wu ru yu quan( ) ( )乐 入场( )二、填空:(22分)1、出下列各字的大写字母,并按照大写字母的顺序给下列汉字重新排序:(4.5)削( )盲( )怨( )督( )祭( )( )2、填表:(4.5分)要查的字部首再查几画字典里的解释取哪种酸甜可口1、表示同意;2、表示许可或可能;3、值得;4、表示转折;5、适合。兴旺1、兴盛;2、使盛行;3、准许;4、或许。喜出望外1、向远处看;2、探望;3、盼望;希望;4、怨;5、对着。3、选择词语填空:(6分)愿望 盼望 陆续 继续 轻蔑 藐视①将来成为有所作为的人,是我最大的( )。②其他人已经( )散去了,只剩下我自己茫然地站在那儿。③中国人是有志气的,我们有能力让( )我们的人认识我们的能力。4、填充成语:(4分)守株( )兔 掩耳( )铃 安然无( ) 盛气( )人5、将下面一段话中的错别字勾画出来,并按照顺序改在括号内(3分)秦王双手揍着何氏壁,边看边称赞,却绝口不提十五坐城的事。( )三、读古诗填写完整并回答后面的问题。(6分)示 儿 去 原 知 万 事 空,但 悲 不 见 九 州 同。, 。1、解释一下所填的句子(2分)。2、陆游这样写说明他心中想的是什么?(2分)四、用修改符号改病句(6分)1、六一儿童节赏心悦目。2、我们班继续第三年被评为先进班集体。3、诗歌《上学的小孩》的作者是我们班集体创作的。五、阅读(一)(15分)《买火柴的小女孩》片断这一回,她坐在美丽的圣诞树下。这棵圣诞树,比她去年圣诞节透过富商家的玻璃门看到的还要大,还要美。翠绿的树枝上点着几千支明晃晃的蜡烛,许多幅美丽的彩色画片,跟挂在商店橱窗里的一个样,在向她眨眼睛。小女孩向画片伸出手去。这时候,火柴又灭了。只见圣诞树上的烛光越升越高,最后成了天空中闪烁的星星。有一颗星星落下来,在天空划出了一道细长的红光。有一个什么人快要了 小女孩说 唯一疼爱她的奶奶活着的时候告诉过她 一颗星星落下来 就有一个灵魂要到上帝那儿去1从“这一回”到“天空闪烁的星星”共讲了两层意思,两层意思分别是什么?(4分) 2用‖在文中将这两层意思划开。(2分)3想一想,第一段中的最后一句话在两段话中起什么作用?(3分)4文中划线的句子把什么当成什么来写了?(3分)5、给第二段话加上标点。(3分)阅读(二)(14分)成语“沧海桑田”,出自晋代葛洪写的《神仙传》。由于地壳的不断变化,“沧海变桑田”的事是有的。如海拔8848.13米高的珠穆朗玛峰,有很厚的水成岩。在6亿年前,它还在古海中。后因河水带去的泥沙沉到海底,又夹着海里的生物尸体,经过高压和高温的双重作用,出现了一层层沉积岩,好像一部厚厚的历史书,化石就是书中的文字。地质学家读了这种“文字”,就能告诉我们“沧海桑田”的历史。3千万年前的造山运动,使它雄立于世界。科学家在她5亿年前的化石里,已经找到生活在海里的鹦鹉螺和海百合,这是“沧海桑田”的见证。遇到自然灾害时,桑田也能变沧海。如1605年,明代万利年间的琼州发生大地震,有100多平方公里的陆地成为沧海。今天,已经发现“海底村庄”就有72个。若坐船出海去看,透过清澈的海水,可以看到在一处10米深的水下,就分布着断墙、石磨,还有一座方形的戏台。1、这篇文章主要向我们介绍了什么现象?( 3分 )2、这种现象形成的主要原因是什么?( 3分 )3、说一下,文中举了哪两个例子来说明这种现象的?(4分)4、第二段文字运用了前后照应的写法,请用——划出前后照应的两句话( 4分)。六、习作(一):(10分)今年这半年,气候异常。春天天旱,而且多见沙尘天气。请你以“今年春天太旱了”或“沙尘暴天气太坏了!”为开头,写一段话。提示:写天旱时,可以选择有关天旱的景象或人们抗旱情景来写,也可以选择其它与天旱有关的内容来写;写沙尘天气时,所写的内容可选择天气的景象或沙尘天气下人们的活动等。 习作(二)(21分)小学六年的生活结束了。在这些年当中,谁给你留下了深刻的印象、曾经让你感动?请你给远方的六年级小学生张红写一封信,向他(她)介绍一下。字数不少于400字。

H. 英语作文 a welcome party
























I. 英语阅读理解The surprise party is very popular in America.

1.The surprise party is very popular in America
2.In front of him.

J. 金先生穿着他的旧衣服开派对的英语阅读

1.old 2.look 3.on 4.party 5.up 6.food 7.doing 8.coat 9.good 10.me

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