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發布時間: 2021-03-16 12:16:47

1. 英語閱讀量太少,哪裡可以找合適的英語原著讀


2. 請教各位 有哪些適合閱讀的英語原著


3. y英語專業必讀十部原著是什麼

1) Call of the Wild, by Jack London

Call of the Wild is an adventure of a hybrid dog after he is sold out by a underling of his master.

The book is pretty sentimental, but the book is great not because of that but of how the author ingeniously make it so. The sentimentality is not achieved by descript_ive vocabulary, nor by any special, unearthly setting; it is simply a unorthodox shift in narration from the commonly used human beings onto a dog, who is himself the protagonist. Along with the shift, there is also the deep understanding to animals of the author, which successfully transforms into the book to give the readers the empathy toward and feeling of the dogs.

2) Dracula, by Bram Stocker

Dracula is a epic in the history of horror fiction. Some people even regard it as the opening of modern horror literature.

The main story line goes around Count Dracula, who is a shrewd vampire and the antagonist, while multiple protagonists are trying to stop his evil deeds. One of the shiny aspect of this book is that, at the beginning, Stocker arranges the story seemingly sporadicly through several first-person narration of different characters, such as diary and letters, and then graally merge the plot together.

3)Harry Potter, by J. K. Rowling

I believe a lot of you are very familiar with this one. The series of story already is THE most popular contemporary series of novel.

Apart from its popularity, I believe there are many factors in the series that are ecational to other writers. For example, Rowlling purposefully changes the narrative tone episode by episode and therefore keeps up the taste of young readers as they grow.

4)Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bront??

This is one of the best known western literature piece in China. The story trailed along a intelligent but plain-looking orphan girl, and distinctively separates the story into a couple of different life-stage of the girl.

5)Lord of the Flies, by William Golding

This Nobel Prize laureled novel takes a really close reading in order to fully understand Golding's intention. The basic plot is that a group of children landed on a deserted island without any alts, and then, because of their special circumstance, they separated into two distinctly groups that go against each other.

This story is actually a allegory. Throughout the book, the author portrays many pairs profound ideas by symbolism, such as civilization vs. barbarism.

6)Lord of the Rings, by J. R. R. Tolkien

Many readers probably have already been fascinated by the movie version of the trilogy. However, reading the original books is just as entertaining.

Tolkien invented a very complex world that is composed of many different medieval folktales. As the series of book achieved its astonishing success, Tolkien consequentially re-defined the western traditional stories into his own version.

7)Notre Dame de Paris (in English, The Hunchback of Notre Dame), by Victor Hugo

Notre Dame de Paris is yet another piece of literature that has long embedded into our culture. The figure of the hunchback, Quasimodo, are sometimes seen in various media as a funny character, but in fact, the book delineates him as a extremely unfortunate person who suffers from the superficiality of human nature. At the end of the story, Hugo placed a unusually saddening ending of the deaths of multiple characters, and it somehow provokes your further meditation of the philosophy of human life.

8)The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini

The story is about the Afghanistan immigrant in USA--Amir's friendship and family love that unfortunately wrenched and entwined by the wars. The work is basically built on plain and familiar vocabulary, but the author uses his superb ability of plotting to drag us out of the often wordy written story into a emotional, heartfelt experience of a "real" person.

9)The Lovely Bones, by Alice Sebold

Sebold has apparently shown her creativity in this piece of art. The main character of The Lovely Bones, Susie Salmon, who is dead by the time the story begins, narrates throughout the entire book. From some aspects, because she is dead and therefore no interference, Susie acts as a omnipresent third person narrator just as in most of the third person narrated works; but what she observes are all closely connected to herself that readers cannot consider her as merely a objective perspective. After her death, she observes the sentimental conflicts and loves created between her family, her friends and even her friends' family. All the characters revolve around the event of her death, until a new balance of relationships eventually restore onto the broken hearts.

10)Wuthering Heights, by Charlotte Bront??

Part of the reason why this is such a masterpiece is that it has a unprecedented way of narrating. In a big part of the story, the plot is "asked" by a stranger to the Wuthering Heights who only wants to temperately stay at the place; and is "told" by a nurse who used to work in the Wuthering Heights in a subjective way. Simply considering this sort of bizarre setting, you'll sense a obvious negative impact onto the story, but Bront?? has managed to use this somehow unnatural setting to create a aura that's both intriguing and specific.

4. 堅持看英語原著小說能較快的提高我的閱讀能力及詞彙量嗎



5. 推薦幾本英文原著,提高英語閱讀能力。不要太難,也不要太簡單。大學生水平。





6. 如何提高英語原著的的閱讀能力


7. 有哪些經典的英文原著書適合英語初學者閱讀

1 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone《哈利波特與魔法石》

第一本,是陪我們從小到大的哈利波特系列。這個故事,想必大家都非常熟悉,而它的英文原版,非常的適合我們在看英文原版時入門閱讀用。故事充滿了濃濃的「愛」和「友誼」,還有J.K.羅琳加入其中的魔法。讀者在領略羅琳創造的魔法世界時,也有了更廣闊的想像空間。看完這本,還可以看看Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets(哈利波特與密室)和Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkab(哈利波特與阿茲卡班的囚徒)噢。
2 The old man and the sea 《老人與海》

簡介: 這是一本經典名著,但是它卻並不枯燥難懂。我們的語文課本選錄過裡面的篇章,現在,我們可以讀讀原版。海明威的特點是用詞簡單易懂,且篇幅不長,以短篇居多,因此非常適合我們閱讀。這本書會讓我們了解什麼是真正的硬漢,也會給我們力量。還記得那句話嗎?Man is not made for defeat.A man can be destroyed but not defeated.相信看了這本,你還會想看看海明威其他的作品。
3 The house on mango street 《芒果街上的小屋》

4 Flipped《怦然心動》

你看過電影《怦然心動》嗎?這本便是同名電影的原著小說。它講述了一個單純美好的故事,裡面有美好的田園風光和校園生活,還有屬於布萊斯和朱莉的故事。 小說要比電影有意思很多,相信你看的時候一定會笑出聲來。敘述以男孩和女孩視角的章節交錯進行,畫面感很強。
5 Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austin 《傲慢與偏見》

6 The Hunger Games 飢餓游戲

書中的故事飽滿而扣人心弦。自美國出版以來,它就暢銷不衰,佳評如潮。 英文原版難度適宜,對於想靠原版書提高英語的同學們,再適合不過了。
7 The little word of Liz Climo你今天真好看

8 Hyperbole and a Half-Allie Brosh 我幼稚的時候好有范

9 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 《查理和他的巧克力工廠》

內容:一本有趣好看而充滿想像力的童話小說,講述了窮孩子查理幸運拿到可以進入巧克力工廠參觀的金券後,一系列的奇遇。 在書中可以看到,小查理和他的家裡人過得生活雖然貧窮,可他們深深地懂得愛,這維持了他們除生活外的一切滿足感…看完如果意猶未盡,還可以看看同名電影。
10 The wonderful wizard of Oz《綠野仙蹤》


8. 看英語原著可以提高英語閱讀能力

1.對的 確實可以提高
3.還要積累詞彙及筆記 是用心細看才有用

9. 你有哪些好的英文原版閱讀書籍的推薦呢

要說看的最順利的是羅琳阿姨的《哈利波特》系列。這也可能是因為我之前看過中文版的原因。因為說實在的本書的生詞實在不少。羅阿姨的英國文學學位不是買來的。所以如果你喜歡《哈》的話,這本書的推薦指數就是******。(觀眾:嗯?我好像數了六顆星?難道五顆星不是滿分嗎??)但如果不喜歡的話就算了。除了《哈》,還想特別推薦一本書。比較小眾。叫《You』ve Got To Read This》。(《你一定得讀讀這本書啊》?)這本書是我在圖書館檢索時無意發現的。是由《心靈雞湯》(不要用鄙視的眼神看我。。我真的沒讀過這個系列。。)的編者主編的。有很多篇小故事。每一篇的作者都是有傳奇經歷的。要麼是大作家,要麼是大公司的老總。因為作者良莠不齊,所以文章難度也各不相同。可以挑適合的讀讀。推薦指數:*****再後來我就開始找暢銷書讀了(表鄙視我。我的目的只是為了提高英文,所以基本撿好讀的讀)。其實暢銷書真的很適合培養英文閱讀習慣。暢銷書的特點是短,情節吸引人,最重要的是生詞不多。(大概是因為暢銷書的作者和讀者都沒什麼文化。。)我還專門買了一個kindle。當然所有書籍都從網上下載或者某寶低價代購來的(表再次鄙視我,等哥我以後有錢了會買正版的)。順便表示一下對我朝代購們的佩服之情。沒有遇到他們搜不到的書~~而且價錢真真是白菜價。鏈接我就不放了(即便我不覺得幫自己認為有價值的東西做推廣有任何不妥。。)。自行搜索低價代購電子書。一把一把的。。最後總結陳詞。英文原著最關鍵的還是要讀自己喜歡的內容。最開始可以從簡單的入手,但到了後來興趣才是最主要的驅動。

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