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『壹』 英語作文關於我愛讀書開頭結尾部分

I like Reading
My father likes to tell me a story before I sleep,so I like to read story book.My parents buy me a lot of books,I read them everyday,I always finish reading a book in a week.I like adventure story very much,I imagine I am the guy who is so great.Books gives me happiness,I like reading.

『貳』 我愛讀書英語作文

The Benefit of Reading Books
1. 世人都說金銀好,而我認為讀書才是無價寶。
2. 讀書使人充實、完美,知識使社會進步。
3. 要堅持活到老,學到老。
Smoe people say that money is the best thing in the world. But I consider reading books as the best and the most precious thing one can ever have.
Reading books is very important. First of all, it is knowledge that makes society develop and by reading books you can get all kinds of knowledge. Furthemore, reading books makes you a qualified person and makes your life enjoyable.
One is never too old to learn. No matter what time you rcalize the importance of reading books, you can enjoy it ring the rest of your life time. Love books, for they are your best friends.

『叄』 英語作文,我叫李華,現年16歲,愛好英語閱讀,訂閱各種英語報紙,能與外賓自由交談,曾在初中舉辦的英

My name is Li Hua, aged 16, and I love English reading, subscribe to various English newspapers, and visitors can freely, the first prize was held goods in junior high school English speech contest, I can do the job, such as hiring, must work hard.

『肆』 以閱讀的愛好為題的英語作文

集郵是我的愛好(Collecting Stamps Is My Hobby) Everybody has his hobby, such as singing, dancing, photo-taking, drawing, reading or guita playing. My hobby is collecting stamps. Why? Because my favourite hobby gives me a lot of pleasure, and I can learn a lot about geography and history from stamps. I have already collected about 800 stamps since I was in Grade Two. Yesterday my uncle sent me a beautiful Canadian stamp from Montreal. I was too excited to sleep last night. 【譯文】 每人都有自己的愛好,例如:唱歌、跳舞、攝影、繪畫、閱讀或彈吉他。我的愛好是集郵。為什麼?因為我的這個愛好給我許多樂趣,我從中學到許多地理、歷史方面的知識。 從我二年級起,我已經收集了約800枚郵票。昨天我叔叔從蒙特利爾給我寄來一張漂亮的加拿大郵票,我興奮得一夜未能入眠。

『伍』 英語作文:我愛閱讀60字數

I have many hobbies, but reading is my favorite. When I find an interesting book, I can sit and read it for several hours. Books show me a new world. I can learn a lot from books. I always think that reading a good book is like talking with a wise friend. Thanks to books, my life becomes rich and colorful.

『陸』 英語作文《我愛閱讀》80詞


『柒』 英語作文:關於愛好的(讀書)帶翻譯!

my hobby
reminding of the hobbies of mine, i'm so excited. i have a few hobbies which i've kept for years. one of them is reading. i love reading so much. the fields i'm interested in are quite various. i like history, English stories, Chinese novels and so on. reading makes me happy and confident. doing sports is my another hobby. playing volleyball is a pretty relaxing way to relax oneself. the time with volleyball let me get a lot of energy. and i can study much better. that's just two of my hobbies. do you like them? what's your hobbies? would you like to share it with me?
提到我的愛好,我就非常的興奮.我有幾個已經保有多年的愛好了.其中之一就是閱讀.我非常熱愛閱讀. 閱讀的領域也非常的廣泛. 我喜歡歷史, 英語故事, 中文小說和好多其它的方面.閱讀使得我非常的快樂和自信.做運動是我的另一個愛好.打排球是一項非常放鬆的給自己休閑的方式.和排球在一起的時光,讓我得到了極大的能量. 因此我可以學習的更出色.以上是我愛好中的兩項.你喜歡它們嗎?你的愛好是什麼?你願意與我分享嗎?

『捌』 英語作文帶翻譯 初中版關於我愛閱讀

I have many hobbies, but reading is my favorite. When I find an interesting book, I can sit and read it for several hours. Books show me a new world. I can learn a lot from books. I always think that reading a good book is like talking with a wise friend. Thanks to books, my life becomes rich and colorful.

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