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发布时间: 2021-01-16 02:08:55

① 有没有八年级上册英语的阅读理解,要简单的

Betty and KittyBetty and Kitty are twins. They’re 12 years old. They look the same. But they have different hobbies. Betty likes collecting stamps. She has many beautiful stamps. They’re from different cities and countries. But Kitty likes growing flowers. The flowers are all very beautiful.Betty and Kitty both like reading books. Betty likes reading storybooks. But Kitty likes reading science books.On Sunday, they usually ride bikes to the park. They can play with their friends there. Sometimes their parents go there, too.
( ) 1. Betty is Kitty’s sister.
( ) 2. Betty likes growing flowers.
( ) 3. Kitty likes reading storybooks.
( ) 4. They’re twelve years old.
( ) 5. They usually take a bus to the park on Saturday.

Lovely pandasPandas’ faces look like cats’, but their fat bodies and short tails are like bears’. Pandas are very lovely and they are friendly to people. People likes them very much.Most Pandas live in China. The northwestern part of Sichuan Province(省) and southern part of Gansu Province are their hometowns. Pandas like to climb trees. They usually live in the forests of high mountains, eat bamboo and drink spring water.
( )1. The panda mainly lives in . A. America B. Shanghai C. London D. China
( )2. is like a cat’s. A. The panda B. The panda’s face C. The panda’s body D. The panda’s tail
( )3. Where are the pandas’ hometowns? A. Guangdong and Gansu. B. Sichuan and Suzhou.C. Gansu and Sichuan D. Hubei and Sichuan
( )4. What’s the panda’s main food? A. Rice. B. Meat. C. Bamboo. D. Grass.

Four Good FriendsMary, Nancy, Ron and Kate are good friends. Mary’s favorite number is 3 and her favorite country is France. 16 is Nancy’s number, and America is her favorite country. Ron likes Japan very much. 30 is his favorite number. Whose favorite number is 60? Oh, it is Kate. Kate’s father works in Chinese food very much and they also like Chinese people. Kate’s lucky number is 6. All of them hope that one day they can travel the world together.
1. What’s Mary’s favorite number?
2. What’s Nancy’s favorite country?
3. What’s Kate’s father’s job?
4. Does Kate like Chinese food?

“God made the world, but the Dutch made Holland.” True to this saying, the people of the Netherlands are again “making” their land.
About 1980 the Netherlands will complete a project begun in the 1920’s: transforming the Zyuder Zee, an inlet (小港) of the North Sea into dry land and a freshwater lake. By stages, 550,000 acres of land will serve several purposes: instrial, recreational, military, and agricultural. Fed by the river Yssel, the remaining water basin Lake Yssel, about 300,000 acres will irrigate the surrounding land and help in the fight against salination (盐化作用). Excess water will drain through sluices into the sea.
As the first stop a nineteen-mile-long barrier dam, rising twenty-five feet above sea level, closed the entrance to the Zuider Zee. Then the experimental polder of a hundred acres preceded the first and smallest of the main polders fifty thousand acres that became dry land in 1930. The fifth and largest polder 150,000 acres will be the last of the Zuider Zee works.
Farmers for the new polder (开拓地) come from every province. The Eastern Flevoland polder, completed in 1957, became farmland for many from the province of Zealand which was badly hit by the disastrous floods of 1953.
31. This article gives a present-day example of how__________.
A. salty soils are desalinated B. the Netherlands has increased its land area
C. irrigation systems are built D. dams are constructed
32. The period taken for the Zuider Zee project is__________.
A. from 1900 up to 1960 B. from the 1920 till about 1980
C. from 1930 to 1957 D. less than fifty years
33. The Zuider Zee will be replaced by____________.
A. 550,000 acres of land B. 300,000 acres of fresh water
C. both A and B D. Neither A nor B
34. The article gives a measurement for the__________.
A. height of the barrier dam B. width of the barrier dam
C. width of the road along the dam D. height above sea level of the area on the land side of dam
35. Implied but not stated:
A. The first step in the project was a barrier dam.
B. The polder recipe was first used in this century.
C. Half of the Netherlands is below sea level.
D. There is more than one method of fighting salination.


During the Christmas shopping rush in London, the intriguing story was reported of a tramp(流浪汉) who, apparently through no fault of his own, found himself locked in a well-known chain store late on Christmas Eve. No doubt the store was crowded with last minute Christmas shoppers and the staff were dead beat and longing to get home. Presumably all the proper Security checks were made before the store was locked and they left to enjoy the three-day holiday untroubled by customers desperate to get last minute Christmas presents
However that may be, our tramp found himself alone in the store and decided to make the best of it. There was food, drink, bedding and camping equipment, of which he made good use. There must also have been television sets and radios Though it was not reported if he took advantage of these facilities, when the shop re-opened, he was discovered in bed with a large number of empty bottles beside him. He seems to have been a man of good humor and philosophic temperament---as indeed vagrants(流浪汉) very commonly arc. Everyone also was enjoying Christmas, so he saw no good reason why he should not do the same. He submitted, cheerfully enough, to being taken way by the police. Perhaps he had bad a better Christmas than usual. He was sent to prison for Seven days. The judge awarded no compensation to the chain store for the food and drink our tramp had consumed. They had, in his opinion, already received valuable free publicity from the coverage the story received in the newspapers and on television. Perhaps the judge had had a good Christmas too.

1. The tramp was locked in the store____
A. for his mistakes. B. e to a misunderstanding. C. by accident. D. through an error of judgment.

2. The staff were 'dead beat' means they were _____
A. half asleep. B. exhausted. C. irritable. D. forgetful.

3. What action did the tramp take? He_____
A. looted the store. B. made himself at home.
C. went to sleep for 2 days. D. had a Christmas party.

4. When the tramp was arrested, he _____
A. laughed at the police. B. looked forward to going to pr)son.
C. rook his bottles with him. D. didn't make any fuss.

5. Why didn't the judge award compensation to the chain store?
A. The tramp had stolen nothing of value.
B. The store had profited by the incident.
C. The tramp deserved a happy Christmas.
D. The store was responsible for what happened.
1.C(apparently through no fault of his own)第一段中找答案
2.B(No doubt the store was crowded with last minute Christmas shoppers and the staff were dead beat and longing to get home.)
4.D(He submitted, cheerfully enough, to being taken way by the police. )
5.B(They had, in his opinion, already received valuable free publicity from the coverage the story received in the newspapers and on television. )

② 八年级上册英语短文(越短越好)十篇

Every year students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are children. 1_________ are young people. Some learn at 2__________ , others teach themselves. Why do all these people want to 3_________ (learn) English? It is hard to answer that question.
Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is 4________ of their subjects. Many people learn English 5__________ it is useful in their work. Some young people learn English 6______ their higher studies because some of their books 7______(be) in English at college(学院)or university(大学). 8________ people learn English because they want to 9________(read )newspapers and magazines(杂志)in 10_________.

1. Others 2. school 3. learn 4. one 5. because 6. for 7. are 8. Other 9. read 10. English


③ 八年级上册英语阅读理解题及答案、翻译

Mr.Brown got up late this morning. He was going to be late for work. Lt was raining hard and the streets were wet. He drove so fast that he didin't see the red lights. He couldn't stop his car and hit a car. An old man got out of the car and called out angrily, "What are you doing? How can you drive so fast?"
"l'm sorry,sir," said Mr.brown, "l didn't see the lights turn red." Then he brought out a bottle of wine and gave it to the old man.
"It's cold today, sir," said Mr.Brown. "Please drink a little, and then you'll get warm."
The old man drank some wine and became happy. He asked, "l'm felling much better now. Why don't you drink any?"
"l can't drink anything now,sir, "answered Mr.Brown "l'm waiting for the policeman.Only drunkards cause accidents,you kown!"

“先生,这天很冷,” Brown先生说,“请喝些酒,一会儿你会觉得暖和的。”

习题:( )1.When did the story happen?
A.In the morning B.In the afternoon C.In the evening D.At night
( )2.Why did Mr.Brown drive so fast?
A.He was happy that day B.He was good at driving
C.There were few cars in the street D.He was afraid to be late
( )3. Mr.Brown hit the car because of the following EXCEPT that ____.
A.he didn't see the red lights B.he drove fast
C.he couldn't drive at all D.it was raining hard
( )4.Why did Mr.Brown give a bottle of wine to the old man?
A.To make him happy B.To make him drunk
C.To make him warm D.To make friends with him
( )5.We can know that _____ at last.
A.Mr.Brown was not late for work B.the old man Mr.Brown became good friends
C.Mr.Brown drank some wine D.Mr.Brown fooled the old man
答案:A D C B D

④ 八年级上。英语阅读理解

new - old put on - take off out - in

2、写出 ①句中的同义句: There's nothing wrong with you. (你的身体没问题。)


4、Was the old man really as healthy as the doctor said?
No, he wasn't. (他并不像医生说的那样健康。)

5、How about the old man at last?
He died outside the door. (他死在了医院门外。)

⑤ 初二英语阅读理解20篇


⑥ 适合八年级阅读的英语短文练习的资料书有哪些(最好是一些比较经典的英语文章)

A MODEL STUDENT 模范学生 Do you mind being called a bad student? Of course not. So far as I , everybody intends to be (become) a model student. However, to be a model student is by no means an easy tng. First, he must do s best to obtain ledge. A man without sufficient ledge will not succeed. Secondly, he must remember to improve s health. Only a strong man can do great tasks. Trdly, he should receive moral ecation. If s conct is not good, no one will consider making friends with m. 你介意被称为坏学生吗?当然不。就我所知,每个人都打算做模范学生 然而,做模范学生却不容易。第一,他必须尽力获得知识(求知)。一个没有足够知识的人是不会成功的。第二,他必须记住促进健康。顺便提一下 目前我在学的ABC天卞英语中心的导师才和我提过 若想将英语学好是不难的!坚持要拥有一个好的研习空间与练习口语对象 老师水平是关键 东南亚口音重 一定要找欧美籍,发音纯正才是最好 保持天天口语交流 1 on 1加强化教学才可以有更.好.的学习效果 上完课需要重复复习课堂录音档 帮助加强记忆!若真的是没有人可以指导的情况,最好能去 VOA或BBC获得课后材料练习,多用耳听、眼观、嘴动、脑想 一下子语感就加强起来 整体效果应该可以达成目标的!只有强壮的人才能做大事。第三,他应该接受道德教育。如果他品行不好,没有人会考虑和他交朋友的 BOOKS 书籍 As is well n, books teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful tngs. They increase our ledge, broaden our minds and strengthen our character. In other words, they are our good teachers and wise friends. Ts is the reason why our parents always encourage us to read more books. Reading is a good tng, but we must pay great attention to the choice of books. It is true that we can derive benefits from good books. However, bad books will do us more harm than good. 如众所周知,书籍教我们学习人生,真理,科学以及其它许多有用的东西。它们增加我们的知识,扩大我们的心胸并加强我们的品。换句话说,它们是我们的良师益友。这是为什么我们的父母终是鼓励我们要多读书的理由 读书是一好事,但我们必须多加注意书的选择。不错,我们能从好书中获得益处。然而,坏书却对我们有害无益

⑦ 八年级英语阅读理解30篇

In the world ,soccer of football is the most popular sport. This is because many countries have wonderful teams for the World Cup. The World Cup is held every four years.
To remember 2002 FIFA World Cup ,children from different countries and more than 60 children from Japanese schools came together and spent three weekends drawing a big picture called “Dream(梦幻) World Cups ”in Japan .The children drew animals, flowers and people playing soccer under a bule bright sky. They wished each football team good luck by drawing the flags(旗帜)of all the countries that will take part in the World Cup in Japan and South Korea.The picture was put up in a park near a playground in Yokohama .Some football teams will have games there.
Are you a football fan(迷)?The World Cup makeds more and more people interested in football Teenagers(青少年)like playing and watching football .Many of them love some football stars so much that they get the pictures of their favourite players on the walls of their rooms. That is the way to show their love for the World Cup as children in Japan.
1. If a country wants to take part in the World Cup ,she must have______.
A. Many football fans B. a very good team C. many football player D. a big playground
2. The next World Cup will be held in_______.
A. 2006 B. 2007 C. 2005 D. 2004
3. From the passage ,in the picture children drew many things except_________.
A. people playing football B. pictures of some football stars C. a sunny sky D. flowers
4. In “Dream World Cup”,the children drew the flags of some countries______. </P< p>
A. to show their love for their owe country
B. to tell the people their stories
C. to show their good wishes for the football teams
D. to show their new ideas about football
5.Many teenagers owe the pictures of some football stars because______.
A. they are interested in football B. they are football fans
C. they think their favourite players are great D. all of A,B and C
In 1826, a Frenchman named Niepce needed pictures for his business .But he was not a good artis .So he invented a very simple camera (照相机).He put it in a window of his house and took a picture of hia garden .That was the first photo.
The next important date in the history of photography (摄影术) was in 1837. That year, Daguere, another Frenchman ,took a picture of his reading room .He used a new kind of camera in a different way. In his picture you could see everything very clearly ,even the smallest thing. This kind of photo was called a Daguerreotype.
Soon, other people began to use Daguerre’s way. Travelers brought back wonderful photos from all around the world .people took picture of famous buildings, cities and mountains.
In about 1840, photography was developed .Then photographers could take picture of people and moving things .That was not simple .The photographers had to carry a lot of film and other machines. But this did not stop them ,for example, some in the United States worked so hard.
Mathew Brady was a famous American photographers. He took many picture of gread people .The picture were unusual beause they were very lifelike(栩栩如生的)
Photographers also became one kind of art by the end of the 19th century .Some photod were nor just cooies of the real world .They showed and feelings,like other kinds of art.
6. The first photo taken by Niepce was a picturte of ____________
A. his business B. his house C. his garden D. his window
7. The Daguerrotype was____________. </P< p>
A. a Frenchman B. a kind of picture C. a kind of camera D. a photographer
8. If a photographer wanted to take pictures of moving things in the year of 1840j, he had to__________.
A. watch lots of films B. buy an expensive camera
C. stop in most cities D. take many films and something else with him.
9. Mathew Brady______________.
A. was very lifelike B. was famous for his unusual pictures
C. was quite strong D. took many pictures of moving people
10. This passage tells us_____________.
A. how photography was developed B. how to show your ideas and feelings in pictures
C. how to take pictures in the world D. how to use different cameras
Americans with small families own a small car or a large one. If both parents are working, they usually have two cars. When the family is large, one of the cars is sold and they will buy a van(住房汽车)
A small car can hold(容纳)four persons and a large car can hold six persons but it is very crowded(拥挤). A van hold seven persons easily, so a family three children could ask their grandparents to go on a holiday travel They could all travel together.
Mr.Hagen and his wife had a third child last year. This made them sell a second car and bus a van. Their children sixth and seventh seat are used to put other things, for a family of five must carry many suitcases(衣箱)when they travel. When they arrive at their grandparents’ home , the suitcases are brought into the two seats can then carry the grandparents.
Americans call vans motor homes. A motor home is always used for holidays. When a family are traveling to the mountains or to the seaside, they can live in their motor home for a few days or to the seaside, they can live in their motor home for a few days or weeks. All the members of a big family can enjoy a happier life when they are traveling together. That is why motor homes have become very popular. In America there are many parks for motor homes.
11. From the passage, a van is also called ____________.
A. a motor car B. a motor home C. a motorbike D. a big truck
12. Before Mr. Hagen and his wife bought a van, they__________.
A. sold their old house B. moved to their grandparents’ house
C. built a new place for a van D. sold their second car
13. A motor home is usually owned by a family with__________.
A. a baby B. much money C. more than two children D. interest in vans
14. Americans usually use motor homer____________.
A. to travel with all the family members of holiday
B. to do some shopping with all the family members
C. to visit their grandparents at weekends
D. to drive their children to school every day
15. Motor homes have become popular because___________.
A. they can take people to another city when people are free
B. they can let families have a happier life when they go out for their holidays
C. some people think motor homes are cheap
D. big families can put more things in motor homes

1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 6. C 7.B 8.D 9.B 10. A 11.B 12.D 13. C 14.A 15. B

⑧ 初二十篇英语小短文带翻译

My family
I love my family, because I have a happy family. My father is an English teacher. His name is Jacky. He is thirty-eight. He likes playing basketball. What’s my mother job? Is she a teacher? Yes, you’re right! My mother is very kind and nice, she is thirty-seven. My mother is always laborious work. I love my parents! On Saturday and Sunday, I often go to the library and play the piano, My father go to play basketball. Sometimes, we watch TV and listen to music at home. I love my family. Because I’m very happy to live with my parents together!
我的家庭 我爱我的家庭,因为我有一个快乐的家庭. 我的爸爸是一名英语教师,他的名字叫Jacky.他今年38岁.他非常喜欢打篮球.我的妈妈是赶什么呢?她是一名教师吗?是的.你说对了!我的妈妈是一个很亲切、友善的人,她今年37岁.我妈妈总是勤劳的干活.我爱我的父母. 在星期六和星期天里,我经常去图书馆和弹钢琴.我爸爸去打篮球.有时侯,我们都在家看电视和听音乐. 我爱我家.因为我和爸爸妈妈一起生活得很开心!

My Room
This is my room. Near the window there is a desk. I often do my homework at it. You can see some books, some flowers in a vase, a ruler and a pen. On the wall near the desk there is a picture of a cat. There is a clock above the end of my bed. I usually put my shoe under my bed. Of course there is a chair in front of the desk. I sit there and I can see the trees and roads outside.
这是我的房间。 在窗口附近有一张书桌。 我经常在那做我的家庭作业。 您能看有些书,有些花在花瓶里,一把格尺和笔。 在墙壁在书桌有猫的图片。 有一个时钟在我的床上的末端。 我通常把我的鞋子放在我的床下。 当然有一把椅子在书桌前面。 我坐那里,并且我能看外面的树和路
Mom bought me a pair of skating shoes at my fifth birthday. From then on, I developed the hobby of skating. It not only makes me stronger and stronger, but also helps me know many truths of life. I know that it is normal to fall, and if only you can get on your feet again and keep on moving, you are very good!

妈妈买了我一双冰鞋鞋子在我的第五个生日。 从那时起,我爱好滑冰。 它不仅使我越来越加强,而且帮助我知道生活许多真谛。 我知道摔倒是正常的,并且,如果只有你能摔倒后再站起来,就是非常好!

The Sea
What do you know about the sea? Some people know about it, but others don’t. The sea looks beautiful on a fine sunny day, the sea is very big. In the world, there is more sea than land. Do you know Hainan Island? It’s really very nice. We can see beaches, trees and the sea. We can swim and visit a lot of beautiful places.

你对海知道些什么? 某些人知道关于它,但其他不。 海看起来美丽在一个美好的晴天,海是非常大的。 在世界上,比土地有更多海。 您是否知道海南岛? 那非常好。 我们能看海滩、树和海。 我们可以游泳和参观很多美好的地方。

Computers are changing our life. You can do a lot of things with a computer. Such as, you can use a computer to write articles, watch video CDs, play games and do office work. But the most important use of a computer is to join the Internet.We don’t need to leave home to borrow books from a library or to do shopping in a supermarket.
Computers help us live a more convenient life.
计算机改变我们的生活。 您能做很多事用计算机。 例如,您能使用计算机写文章,手表录影CDs,戏剧比赛和完成办公室工作。 但对计算机的最重要的用途是加入Internet.我们不需要离开家去从图书馆借用书或在超级市场做购物。

I think smiling is as important as sunshine. Smiling is like sunshine because it can make people happy and have a good day. If you aren’t happy, you can smile, and then you will feel happy. Someone may say, “But I don’t feel happy.” Then I would say, “Please smile as you do when you are happy or play with your friends happily. You will really be happy again.”
Smiling can let you have more friends.So I say, smiling is like a flower. It will give you happiness.
我认为微笑是一样重要的象阳光。 微笑是象阳光,因为它可能使人愉快和有一个早晨好。 如果您不是愉快的,您能微笑,您然后将感觉愉快。 某人也许说, “但是我不感到愉快”。 然后我会说, “请微笑,您,当您愉快地是愉快或戏剧与您的朋友。 您真正地再将是愉快的”。
微笑可能让您有更多朋友。如此我说,微笑是象花。 它将给您幸福。

It was Sunday and I didn't have to go to school. I finished my homework the day before. So I decided to help mother do housework. I washed some clothes after I got up. Then I went shopping with a basket. I bought some meat, eggs and some vegetables in the market. After I came back, I started to cook dinner for the whole family. In the evening, I sat at the table and began to write down on my notebook what I had done ring the day.
它是星期天,并且我没有必须去学校。 我前一天完成了我的家庭作业。 如此我决定帮助做家事。 在我起来了之后,我洗了一些衣裳。 然后我带着篮子去购物。 我在市场上买了一些肉、蛋和有些菜。 在我回来了之后,我开始为全家烹调晚餐。 在晚上,我在我的笔记本写下什么我白天做了什么。

Spring is a delightful season. The temperatures are moderate, and the blooming trees and flowers make the city bright with colors. This is the time when we can begin to wear lighter and more brightly colored clothes and go outdoors more often. Smaller children like to bring their kites out to the spacious square. Also I enjoy going back to the village on this holiday after being in the city for the winter months.

Summer is the great season for all sports in the open air. It is the season for football which is often called the national sport because of its popularity. I usually watch television and read the newspaper reports about the football results of the little leagues. During the summer I like to go to the beach often because it is very close to my home. I usually go there ring the summer vacation to relax after many months in school in the city. I feel very comfortable with the familiar quiet life of the villagers.

For me the autumn or fall starts in September when school starts its new term. I usually do some shopping. The mild weather made it very nice to study outside under the trees in a small park close to my house. I like to look up the leaves changing colors from green to red and yellow, and then brown colors. The park also has many bright fall flowers; sometimes I see a small squirrel coming down from the tree to hunt for food on the ground. On the weekends, I sometimes like to fly my kite. Usually on the street corners you can see street peddlers selling warm baked sweet potatoes. This is a nice time of the year.

Winter is very cold and windy in most parts of China. I usually look forward to the Spring Festival and the winter holiday when I can go to the south where the climate is warmer ring these holidays. Also, I look forward to seeing my grandparents and my friends. Winter is the time everyone is in a festive mood. In the city, I usually do a lot of reading at home in the winter because of eh cold weather outside.
中国大部分地区的冬天是即冷又有风的。我总是盼望着春节或寒假,到时候我就可以去南方了,当地的气候在这时会暖和的多。我也盼望着去探望我的祖父母和我的朋友。冬天,每个人都怀着喜庆的心情。在城里,冬天的时候我经常待在家里尽情地看书,因为外面的天气非常的冷。 如果对你有要你一定要评分哦

⑨ 我想要初二(人教版)英语上完型和阅读理解各30篇

A young officer was at a railway station. On his way home, he wanted to telephone his mother to tell her the time of his train, so that she could meet him at the station in her car. He looked in all his pockets, but found that he did not have the right money for the telephone, so he went outside and looked around for someone to help him.
At last an old soldier came by, and the young officer stopped him and said, "Have you got change for ten pence?"
"Wait a moment, " the old soldier answered, beginning to put his hand in his pocket, "I'll see whether I can help you. "
"Don't you know how to speak to an officer?" the young man said angrily. "Now let's start again. Have you got change for ten pence?"
"No, sir, " the old soldier answered quickly.
根据短文内容, 选择正确答案(10分)
60. The young officer wanted to telephone his mother to tell her _________. ( )
A. that he was going to visit her
B. when his train would leave
C. when his train would arrive
D. that he was now at the railway station
61. He looked around for help because he _________. ( )
A. didn't have coins for the phone call
B. had no money to make the phone call
C. didn't have the local money
D. wanted to change money
62. The old soldier _________. ( )
A. was glad to help him
B. didn't know if he had coins
C. didn't want to help him
D. was angry
63. The young officer was angry because he thought the old soldier _________. ( )
A. didn't know how to speak to him
B. didn't want to help him
C. didn't answer him correctly
D. was not friendly to him
64. The old soldier in the story was_________. ( )
A. clever B. stupid
C. polite D. friendly

⑩ 初二英语阅读理解100篇带翻译

Before I move to the city, I live in my hometown for a long time. I meet a lot of friends, we play together all the time. Lucy is my best friend, she lives next to me. I am a shy girl, but Lucy is very nice to me, later I become active. Now I miss her very much, I will go to visit her when I have vacation.


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