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发布时间: 2021-01-18 18:15:45

❶ 八年级下仁爱英语阅读理解求求


❷ 近年来考试仁爱版英语阅读理解出的都是哪方面的


❸ 初一下学期仁爱版英语阅读训练








语音:字母组合ea,er, ear, ere, ir, igh, oo的发音
词汇:动词:pass, throw, kick, shoot等及其过去式
句型:祈使句:Give… to… Don’t pass… to… No cycling/smoking…
1. What does it mean ?
It means you/we should/ shouldn’t…
2. When’s your birthday ?
My birthday’s on…
What would you like as a birthday present ?
I’d like…
3. When’s… ?
It’s in…
What do people usually do at… ?
4. Where is/ are your /my… ?
It’s / They’re on/ next to/ between the…
5. Whose … is it/ are they ?
It’s / They’re mine/ yours/his/hers/ ours.

1. It was / They were here/ there/ on the… just now/ a moment ago.
2. We had… last month .
When was it ?
It was…
What (else) did … do …?
He/ She/ I/ We…
Did you/he/she… ?
Yes, I/ he/she did. No, I / he/ she didn’t.

语音:字母组合or, ou, ow, ur的发音
词汇:1、形容词及其比较级 如:fat fatter
2、副词及其比较级 如:fast faster
3、一些公共场所类单词及其行走路线的表达 如:a shopping center turn right at the second
4、季节、天气类单词 如:spring, warm
5、一些业余活动类词汇 如:go on an outing
6、通信、通讯类单词 如:an e-mail a fax machine a postcard
I am taller than him. He’s shorter than me.
Are you as tall as her ? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
Who’s taller than David ? Gao Shan is.
Whose bag is heavier , yours or hers ? Mine is.
Ben runs faster than Jim.
Do the boys jump higher than the girls ?
Does Jim swim slower than David ?
Do you get up as early as your mother ?
Who jumps farther than David ?
Who skates better , Helen or Nancy ?
3、be good at, do well in 句型:
I’m good at English, but I’m not good at PE.
Are you good at playing basketball ?
He is good at Maths, but he does not do well in Art.
I want to do better in PE.
I am/ We’re going to …
What are you going to do tomorrow/ this weekend … ?
Are you / Is he/ she going to… ?
I’ll get up earlier.
I’ll get stronger.
Will you join me/ us ?
Would you like to join me/ us ?
What’s the weather like in summer there ? It’s hot.
Do it often rain in spring ? Yes, it does.
I want some writing paper.
I want to write a letter to Peter.
I want to be Peter’s penfriend.
1、 问路句型:
How far is it from here ? It’s about a kilometer away.
How can I get to the… ? You can take bus No. 5.
How many stops are there ? You can get off at the fourth stop.
Go along this street, and then turn right at the third crossing.
The post office is on your left. You can’t miss it.
2、 有关季节、天气句型:
Which season do you like best ? I like…
Why ? Because it’s… I can…
3、 问某人拿一些东西的句型:
Can I have… ? What for ?
4、 打电话句型:
Is that … ? Yes, speaking.
It’s David here.
By the way, what are you going to do… ?

1 参加暑期教研室举办的新教材培训.听取教研室领导对新教材的阐释.通过观看教学录像,整体了解了新教材的编写思路.虚心学习并探讨新教材每一单元各课时的教材教法,从思想上准备苦战.
2 搞好衔接教材的教学.我们首先把小学中的所有单词按语言归类进行全面复习和巩固.对小学教材中的重点对话和语篇要求学生重新背诵。语法及练习重点让学生了解句型及语法。突出“to be”动词的用法和练习,并适当的指出have和there be的区别和用法。让学生了解英语中的时态的概念。对“have ”“there be”“to be” 以及可数名词与不可数名词的用法做重点复习,重点练习。
3 在具体进行新教材教学中,我们始终把握基础,抓读抓背抓词汇。尽可能做到人人过关。为了做好这项工作,我们全体初一英语教师已使尽全身解数,真所谓软硬兼施,特别对一些困难生,我们更是花尽心思从各方面来驱动他们的内动力。把他们的积极性保持在旺盛状态。布置作业尽可能的注重基础与能力。要教育好他们,很重要的一点是要舍得并善于对他们进行感情的投资。既要晓之以理,又要动之以情,使之产生为你学的热情。但在教学实践中光有这种“猴”劲还不够,还要有一定的“盯”劲。真正做到“心中有他们”“课上叫他们”“课后盯他们”。

❹ 八年级下仁爱版英语阅读训练答案


❺ 仁爱英语 同步阅读与完形填空周周练 答案 七年级上 50页后 可发图


❻ 有没有初一上册英语仁爱版的完型填空题和阅读题, 各十五题,重重有赏。


Hello! 26 name is Li Ying. I’m twelve. I 27 Kunming. Now I’m in Beijing No.14 High School. I’m in Class Five, Grade One. I’m Number 4. Miss Gao 28 my English teacher. She is 29 old teacher. I have a pen, a ruler and two 30 in my pencil-box. Liu Ping is in Grade One, too. She is 31 Guangzhou. She is my good 32 . We are in 33 same class. Now she 34 at school. I think she is at home. Look!That is a 35 , but it is not my book.
( )26. A. I B. My C. Your D. Me ( )27. A. come from B. is from C. am from D. A and C ( )28. A. is B. are C. am D. be ( )29. A. a B. an C. good D. / ( )30. A. buses B. desks
C. schoolbags D. pencils ( )31. A. in B. to C. from D. but ( )32. A. friends B. teacher C. student D. friend ( )33. A. these B. the C. an D. a ( )34. A. is B. isn’t C. are D. aren’t ( )35. A. eraser B. ruler C. pen D. book
( B )
Liu Mei is a nice girl. She is twelve 16 old. She is tall and 17 long black hair. 18 eyes are big. She 19 a wide mouth. She is in blue clothes. She likes this 20 . Now guess, whose skirt is blue? Yes, you are right. The skirt is 21 . Liu Mei’s mom is a teacher. She is tall and 22 . She 23 white. She 24 a new car. Do you know its color? Yes. It is 25 . It is very nice. ( )16. A. very B. years C. too D. year ( )17. A. are B. is C. has D. have ( )18. A. Her B. She C. He D. His ( )19. A. is B. looks C. have D. has ( )20. A. student B. teacher C. color D. dress ( )21. A. their B. hers C. her D. his ( )22. A. strong B. short C. round D. wide ( )23. A. likes B. thinks C. finds D. guesses ( )24. A. have B. has C. is D. / ( )25. A. red B. black C. yellow D. white
( C )
Look at the photo. It’s my family. The old man and the old woman are my 26 . This is
my father. He is next to(挨着) his brother, my 27 . This woman is my mother. She is my English teacher. You can 28 three children in the photo. The two girls are my 29 . The girl in a red dress is Nancy 30 the girl in a yellow dress is Susan. Do you know who the boy is? It’s me. My grandparents live in the U. S. A. I live in Beijing 31 my parents now. My father is 32 . He works in Beijing Hospital. He often has milk 33 breakfast. And he likes to eat 34 . My mother often has some eggs and 35 . I have a big family. ( )26. A. uncle B. aunt C. grandparents D. parents ( )27. A. aunt B. uncle C. sister D. brother ( )28. A. see B. ask C. call D. spell ( )29. A. sister B. girls C. sisters D. children ( )30. A. and B. but C. or D. so ( )31. A. and B. of C. for D. with ( )32. A. a teacher B. a driver C. a farmer D. a doctor ( )33. A. for B. to C. in D. on ( )34. A. a bread B. some breads C. many bread D. bread ( )35. A. a orange B. an orange juice C. two glass of orange juice D. a glass of orange juice
( D )
Hello, boys and girls! My name is David. I’m from Canada. I’m in the U.S.A. now. I like 16 here. So I often eat a lot 17 food. I have breakfast at home. 18 breakfast, I eat eggs and apples. I 19 milk at all. I have no time to go home for lunch. The lunch 20 is good. I can have 21 foods for lunch. I eat chicken, tomatoes and oranges. Sometimes(有时) I eat salad and hamburgers. I have dinner at home 22 my father and mother. Sometimes we 23 with our friends. We 24 fish, vegetables and fruits. What 25 you? Please tell me. ( )16. A. the food B. the drink C. the people D. the students ( )17. A. for B. of C. from D. / ( )18. A. As B. Have C. On D. For ( )19. A. like B. not like C. don’t like D. likes ( )20. A. at home B. in our school C. in the home D. in school ( )21. A. the same B. same C. different D. the different ( )22. A. to B. and C. for D. with ( )23. A. eating B. eat out C. have D. having ( )24. A. have B. to eat C. having D. eating ( )25. A. are B. for C. can D. about
( E )
I have a good friend. 1 Chinese name is Da Shan and his 2 name is Mark Rowswell. He 3 from Canada. He can 4 English and French (法语). And he speaks Chinese very well. He 5 China very much. Now he teaches English 6 Beijing. Da Shan 7 a big nose, big eyes 8 short brown hair. He has a happy family. His wife (妻子) is from Sichuan, China. They 9 two children. Da Shan`s father and mother are in Canada. But 10 like China, too. And they often come to China. ( ) 1. A. He B. Him C. His D. Her ( ) 2. A. England B. English C. ChineseD. China
( ) 3. A. come B. does C. comes D. be from ( ) 4. A. speaks B. speak C. says D. tell ( ) 5. A. looks B. looks like C. like D. likes ( ) 6. A. at B. to C. in D. from
( ) 7. A. is B. are C. has D. have ( ) 8. A. and B. or C. so D. but ( ) 9. A. are B. has C. is D. have ( ) 10. A. they B. them C. their D. theirs
( F )
Julia is 31 American girl . She is 32 New York(纽约) . She’s thirteen . She 33 in a junior high school in zhengzhou. Julia often 34 up at 6;30 on weekdays . she often has a cup of tea, an egg and 35 bread for breakfast . She goes to sohool at 7;30 and 36 there before 8:00. Julia has breakfast 37 her parents at 7:25 “Have a cake, Julia. 38 very nice,” her mother 39 . “NO, thank you, Mom. I must 40 now. I’m getting late. School starts at 8:00,” says Julia. ( ) 31. A. a B. an C. the ( ) 32. A. at B. to C. in ( ) 33. A. study B. studies C. studying ( ) 43. A. get B. gets C. put ( ) 35. A. some B. any C. many ( ) 36. A. get B. get to C. gets ( ) 37. A. with B. for C. from ( ) 38. A. Its B. It`s C. It ( ) 39. A. says B. speaks C. tells ( ) 40. A. to go B. goes C. go
( G )
Do you know that girl? 51 name is Judy. She`s from the U.S.A. She is 52 . She has a happy family. Her father is an English teacher in Beijing. Her mother is in 53 , too. 54 she is in Shanghai. Judy is in Beijing with her 55 . She 56 a small nose, a big mouth and blue eyes. Her hair 57 long and blond. Judy and I 58 in the same class. Mr. Zhao is our Chinese teacher. He likes playing the guitar 59 . Judy likes playing the guitar, too. She often learns it from 60 . ( ) 51. A. She B. Hers C. Her ( ) 52. A. old B. English C. twelve ( ) 53. A. the U.S.A B. England C. China ( ) 54. A. But B. Then C. Or ( ) 55. A. father B. mother C. brother ( ) 56. A. is B. are C. has ( ) 57. A. is B. are C. has ( ) 58. A. am B. is C. are ( ) 59. A. much B. very C.very much ( ) 60. A. her B. him C. his
( H )
Mary is an English girl . She is 13 years old .She’s always 36 a blue coat. Now she
37 in a middle school in Shanghai. 38 father and mother 39 in China, too. They are both 40 . They teach English in a high school. 41 do they do on Sundays? They often go to the park 42 Sunday morning.
Mary likes Chinese food very much, 43 she doesn’t like Chinese tea. Mary likes __44__a lot . She has a pet dog at home . Its name is Kitty . 45 are good friends . They are often together on Sundays . ( )36. A. in B. from C. with ( )37. A. works B. goes C. studies ( )38. A. Her B. His C. Hers ( )39. A. am B. is C. are ( )40. A.workers B. teachers C. doctors ( )41. A. What B. Where C. Whose ( )42. A. in B. on C. at ( )43. A. and B. but C. so ( )44. A. books B. songs C. pets ( )45. A. They B. Them C. Their
( I )
Welcome to my home, Tom. Look! This is a photo of a 26 . 27 the photo, there is a big tree. Some birds(鸟) 28 in the tree. And some 29 have a picnic near(在……附近) the tree. The little boy asks the girl 30 the clouds(云). The tall boy is Li Lei. He’d like to fly a kite with 31 , but I want to play 32 soccer (足球). 33 is that behind(在……之后) the tree? That’s Lucy. She wants to have some 34 , but she 35 have any fish. She would like to go fishing very much and she thinks she can get some. ( )26. A. family B. classroom C. picnic D. tree ( )27. A. In B. On C. At D. With ( )28. A. is B. are C. have D. has ( )29. A. kids B. boys C. girls D. men ( )30. A. see B. to look C. to look at D. to see ( )31. A. him B. her C. us D. me ( )32. A. the B. a C. / D. an ( )33. A. Whose B. Who C. What D. Where ( )34. A. eggs B. apples C. bread D. fish ( )35. A. doesn’t B. don’t C. isn’t D. aren’t

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