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发布时间: 2021-01-21 02:27:27

㈠ 七年级英语上牛津版答案

When I was in middle school, I moved to the city to live with my parents, I miss my hometown all the time, I can’t forget about the beautiful mountain and the clear water. So in this summer vacation, I went back to my hometown, when I saw the familiar country road, I was so happy, I knew I was close to the nature. I took in the fresh air, I smelt the straw’s flavor, I took a look at the mountains and the clear water again. All of these made me relaxed, the nature was right in front of me. I hope the scenery won’t change all the time, once I have time, I will come back to enjoy it.

㈡ 七年级上册牛津英语作文40篇

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㈢ 七年级上英语阅读辅导书哪本好我用的是牛津教材

牛津 恭喜你

㈣ 七年级上册牛津英语1~3单元

七年级英语上册 1-3单元词组归纳100题 牛津译林版
1. 12岁 twelve years old
2. 和他聊天 chat with him
3. 一周两次 twice a week
4. 住在南京 live in Nanjing
5 放学后 after school
6 来自 come from==be from
7. 听得不清楚 hear (you) well/clearly
8. 向她问好 say hello to her
9. 努力学习 work hard ==study hard
10. 在家 at home
11. 戴(一副)眼镜 wear(a pair of)glasses
12. 听音乐/收音机 listen to music/ the radio
13 .高而苗条 tall and slim ==big and thin
14. 黑的长发 long black hair
15. 待人礼貌乐于助人 be polite and helpful
16 照顾,保管 look after
17. 在餐馆 in a restaurant
18, 热爱跳舞 love/ like dancing=love/like to dance,
enjoy dancing(只有这一种表达结构)
19.上舞蹈课 go to the dancing lesson
20.对我好 be nice to me=be kind to me
21. 把他叫作大毛 call him Da Mao
22 在学校(上学) .be at school
23. 认真听老师讲课 listen to the teacher
24. 看第2个标志牌 (have a)look at Sign 2
25. 一条长裤 a pair of trousers
26. 在足球场 in the football field
27 在排球场 on the volleyball court
28. 和我一起去(上学) go (to school)with me.
29. 带他去散步 take him for a walk ==walk him
30, 关着的 be closed
31. 步行回家 walk home =go home on foot
32. 半小时 (for) half an hour
33. 乘公共汽车(回家) take the bus(home)=go(home)by bus
34. 听起来真棒 sound great
35 看起来强壮 look strong
36. 在工作日 on weekdays
37. 在周末 at the weekend==at weekends
38. 去跑步/购物 go running/ shopping
go swimming /fishing / skating
39. 在我爷爷奶奶家 at my grandparents’ (home)
40. 下一届世界杯 the next World Cup
41. 想要吃面包 would like(to have)some bread
… . ==want (to eat )bread.
42. 寻找 look for …
43. 互相(帮助) (help) each other
44. 一张中国/世界地图 a map of China/ the world
45. 教我们数学 teach us Maths
46. 和他(在…上)交谈 talk(on the phone / Internet)with her friend
47. 该上课了. It is time for class
It is time to have class.
48. 玩的开心,过的愉快 have a good time== have fun
== enjoy ourselves
49. …一个成员 a member of …
50. 为…效力 play for Huanghe Football Team
51. 读关于足球方面的书 read books (about football)
52. 一则体育新闻 a piece of sports news
53. 进球得分 score goals
54. 花时间/钱做某事 . spend…doing
55. 看报 read newspapers
56. 通过互联网给我(发)电子邮件 e-mail me by the Internet
=send e-mails to me by the Internet
57.(在电视上)看球赛 watch a match(on TV)
58. 一直 all the time
59. 约见/会见/偶然遇见 meet up with sb
60. 与某人谈(某事) talk (about sth.) with sb.
61. 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭 have breakfast / lunch/dinner
62. 在星期三 on Wednesday(s)
63. 收集一些关于…的信息 get some information about …
64. 进行班级短途旅游 have a class trip ==go on a class trip
65. 谢谢你给我礼物 Thank you for(giving me)the present.
66. 谢谢你告诉我关于中秋节的事 Thank you for telling me about Mid-Autumn Festival.
67. 谢谢你组织班级旅游 Thank you for organizing the class trip.
68. 做家作 do one’s homework
69.太多的家作 too much homework
70. 制作飞机模型 make model planes
71.看电视 watch TV
72.下周一 next Monday
73. 每个学生票价 the price for each student
74. 盼望外出玩的开心 look forward to (having) a great day out
75. 盛装打扮(成鬼) dress up as ghosts
76. 我最喜欢的课 my favourite lessons
77.我的所有的朋友 all my friends
78. 醒来 wake up
79、挖出锋利的牙齿 cut out the sharp teeth
80、玩一个(叫“不招待就使坏”的)游戏 play a game(called “trick or treat”)
81. 敲门 knock on the doors
82. 在十月三十一号晚上on the evening of Oct.31st
83、用南瓜制作成灯 make lanterns out of pumpkins
84. 让我们庆祝元旦 let us celebrate New Year’s Day
85、在吃午饭时间 at lunchtime
86. 在圣诞节 at Christmas
87.为…做准备 get ready for
88. 捉弄他们 play a trick on them
89、穿带有面具的特殊戏装 wear a special costume with masks
90、从父母出得到红包 get red packets from parents
91、许多棕子 lots of rice mplings
92. 超过15 more than fifteen==over fifteen
93. 知道许多关于电脑的知识 know a lot about computers
94. 学习更多关于世界的知识 learn more about the world
(1990年1月1日)出生在上海 be born in Shanghai (on Jan.1st,1990)
95.做课外活动 do after-school activities
96. 做早操 do morning exercises
97. 在世界上 around the world, in the world
98. 给他们糖作为招待 give them some candies as a treat
99. 知道(这个问题的)答案 know the answer(to the question)
100.在…很聪明, 擅长 be good at= do well in = be clever at

㈤ 七年级上牛津英语单词


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